List of publications on a keyword: «film»
Analysis of cinematic images and their psychocorrectional meanings
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Svetlana A. Solovyova
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- Cinema, as one of the most influential forms of art, has a significant impact on the formation of human perception, emotional state and behavior. This article examines the phenomenon of the cinematic image as a complex artistic structure capable of performing not only an aesthetic, but also a psychocorrectional function. The research is aimed at identifying the mechanisms of the impact of cinematic images on the psychoemotional state of the viewer and analyzing their potential use in the framework of psychotherapeutic practice.
- Keywords:
- empathy, reflection, art therapy, psychocorrection, cinematography, identification, projection, psycho-emotional state, cinematic image, emotional impact, psychotherapy, catharsis, behavior modeling, film therapy, archetypes
Functions of orthodox icons in a screenplay of movie «The Legend of Icon»
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Mikhail M. Kocheryzhkin, Larisa L. Gerashchenko
- Work direction:
- Культурологический подход в образовании
- Abstract:
- Times change, but the values imprinted on Orthodox icons remain eternal and relevant. Art historical analysis of these reference points and their further use will help create films that can not only entertain the viewer, but also capture the deep meaning of human existence.
- Keywords:
- theology, Orthodoxy, art history, icon, film dramaturgy
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Irina A. Gladkikh, Tatiana A. Parfionova
- Work direction:
- Филология в системе образования
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the use of feature films in the course of Russian as a foreign language in a military university. Using films in Russian as a foreign language course allows cadets to improve their skills in all types of speech activity, contributes to the formation of their cultural competence, as well as increase interest and motivation to study Russian language. The work with the film is considered on the example of the movie "Only "old men" go into battle".
- Keywords:
- socio-cultural adaptation, Russian as a foreign language, feature film, foreign cadets, linguistic and cultural competence
Dokumental'noe kino v aspekte perevoda (subtitrirovanie)
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Diana I. Gubaeva, Nina A. Plastinina
- Work direction:
- Современные гуманитарные науки и проблемы языкознания
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the analysis of genre and functional features of documentary films in audiovisual translation. The author dwells upon certain concepts of audiovisual translation, translation decisions and transformations taken when translating a documentary film.
- Keywords:
- translation, documentary films, subtitling, audiovisual translation
Reflection of Historical Time in Kazakh Documentaries
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 2- Author:
- Nazira R. Mukusheva
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the unity of the national cultural heritage and historical time in Kazakh documentary films. The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of the use of time in the depiction of the spiritual world, national customs and traditions in the films of documentary film masters OrazAbishev, BakhytGafu-Kaiyrbekov and others. Based on the formal stylistic method, the significance of historical time in documentary films is explored. The author, considering the unity of the national cultural heritage and historical time in the Kazakh documentary, concludes that in the Kazakh documentary film, the reflection of the unity of the national cultural heritage and historical time has gone through several stages of formation, and was closely connected with the social, political phenomena taking place in the country. In conclusion, the stages of the formation of Kazakh documentary cinema are listed from the point of view of reflecting historical time and it is argued that: 1) the first stage is associated with the establishment of Soviet power in Kazakhstan, with the ideology and politics of socialism (1927–1930); 2) the second stage is connected with the reflection of people's memory and history on the documentary film screen in the conditions of the political, social atmosphere of Kazakhstan in the 1960s (1960–1970); 3) the third stage reflects the processes of returning to the origins of national consciousness, people's historical memory (1990–2020).
- Keywords:
- historical time, documentary film, cultural heritage, film character, film director
Basic Approaches to Ethnographic Film Usage as a Method of Developing of Ethnocultural Competence of Future Journalists
ProceedingPedagogy, psychology, society: from theory to practice- Author:
- Elena S. Doroschuk
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the features of the application of the methodology of visual education based on the use of ethnographic films in the organization of independent work of future journalists. On the basis of emic and ethical approaches, the main functions of ethnographic cinema are identified and described in the light of creating an image of ethnoculture in the process of training future journalists. The principles of representation of ethnoculture in the media sphere are considered, on the basis of which the ethnological motivation of future journalists is formed as the basis of ethnocultural competence.
- Keywords:
- journalism, ethnocultural competence, ethnographic film, ethnological motivation, representation of ethnoculture
Cinemalogy as a Method of Work of an Educational Psychologist with Minors Recognized in the Case and in Accordance with the Procedure Provided for by the Criminal Procedure Legislation as Suspects, Accused, Defendants
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 2- Author:
- Svetlana G. Krasnova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the use of the method of cinemalogy in the work of an educational psychologist with minor suspects, accused persons, defendants, recognized, in the case and under the terms set out in the criminal procedure legislation and the specifics of its application. The purpose of the study is to determine the possibilities and psychological and pedagogical conditions for using the method of cinemalogy in psychocorrection work with underage suspects, accused persons, and defendants. The following research methods were used in the article: analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature, normative legal documents, study of the resources of educational Internet portals. As a result of the study, an effective method of working with underage suspects, accused persons, and defendants was identified, and the factors of the formation of criminal behavior of underage children (heredity, social environment, and intrapersonal factors) were clarified. Based on the study of the psychological characteristics of underage suspects, accused persons, and defendants, the reasons for the commission of illegal actions (the desire for self-affirmation, to gain authority among peers, imitation of authority, the desire to obtain the forbidden, forbidden) are determined. The article offers methodological recommendations for organizing training sessions with underage suspects, accused persons, and defendants. It is concluded that an important condition for the psychocorrection of these categories of minors is the work with psychoemotional states, situations that have a psychotraumatic effect on them, the correction of their thoughts and behavior. In our opinion, it is the method of cinemalogy that contributes to solving these problems, as well as changing criminal attitudes.
- Keywords:
- method, film, minors, psychocorrection, cinemalogy, suspects, accused, defendants, psychological analysis, self-analysis
Thomas Winterberg's Danish Experiments
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 1- Author:
- Eduard O. Krank
- Work direction:
- History and Theory of Art Questions
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the work of the Danish film director T. Winterberg. The aim of the article is to study the plot originality of the stories told by T. Winterberg by methods of cinema, to understand the genre specificity of his films, highlighting the experiment as the most significant component of their artistic and mental originality. Descriptive, hermeneutic, diachronic, historical-genetic, comparative, analytical and biographical methods, used in a complex manner, allow one to come to certain conclusions. These conclusions are that T. Winterberg's cinematography relies on experiment as a way of plotting, which determines the genre character of the director's films. This is confirmed by the luck that accompanied exactly those films of T. Winterberg, which are built on Danish material, and the much less success of films created on plots that are associated with other toposes (Soviet, American, British). T. Winterberg became world famous after the release of the film "Family Celebration", made within the framework of such originally Danish phenomenon as «Dogma-95». Collation of the author's manner of T. Winterberg with the master of Danish (and world) cinema and originator of «Dogma» L. von Trier allows us to compare the ways of organizing the narrative of two famous film directors: if L. von Trier's films are based on provocation, then T. Winterberg – exactly on experiment. Being rooted on national soil, this experiment transcends ethnic narrow-mindedness itself, acquiring a universal, between-national character.
- Keywords:
- Danish cinema, Dogma 95, Thomas Winterberg, existential experiment, Lars von Trier, film narration
Food Design and Film Art in the Preservation of Ethnic Culture
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Valeri I. Kukenkov
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The author outlines that the study of food design and film art as part of the country's ethnic culture examines the preservation and development of traditions and interethnic ties. Given that folk traditions have a peculiarity to develop, being in constant search of new solutions, taking into account the emergence of new materials, technologies and information tools, an idea to combine the potential of film art and food design in research has started up. It is noted that the search for analogues of the issue studied has no positive effect. The purpose of the study is a theoretical justification for the possibility of using different art forms as tools to unlock the possibilities and diversity of the art of food and filmmaking. Based on the study of various sources, it has been found that the topic of preserving the ethnic cultures of Russia is relevant and new, due to the unusual combination of the art of food and filmmaking. Hypothesis. It is suggested that the preservation and development of the country's ethnic cultures and intercultural ties is possible if best practices and achievements of food design as an essential part of people's culture will be applied while modelling different forms and spaces in film art. Results. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the hypothesis put forward has historical evidence in the works of such scientists as: Kostomarov N.I., Orlovskaya A.V. and Pokhlebkin V.V. Based on their experience and knowledge the following is possible: formation of new approaches, serch for new solutions and development of new forms and spaces, using advances in food design, film art and people's culture.
- Keywords:
- ethnic culture, intercultural exchange, folk traditions, film art, food design
National Cinematograph and National Mind-Set
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (2)- Author:
- Eduard O. Krank
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of national cinematograph in the conditions of the dominance of mass cinema products at the market, especially the American film industry. Paradigms and criteria in the definition of national (ethnic) cinema are presented. The aim of the article is to confirm its working hypothesis, which is that the development of national cinematograph becomes significant only when, reproducing by filming their own narratives, imbued with national mind-set, the authors create cinematographic artifacts with their own manner, style, language, which is able to develop and enrich the film language. The descriptive and analytical methodology used in conjunction with the historical and genetic method allows us to come to certain conclusions. These findings consist in the position that such national cinematograph becomes pervasive, which is permeated by the national mind-set and at the same time responds to both ethnic and world cultural challenges, creates national narratives that due to their relevance become meta-ethnic narratives. An analysis of the existing definitions and properties of what should be understood as national cinematograph allows one to discuss the topic of what the essence of national cinema is: in the local and regional desire to establish itself as having a right to exist, or in the meta-ethnic aspect, which allows national cinema to become a direction in cinema. Thus, the necessary property of national cinematograph for its equal existence among others, the author singles out such a feature as the situation of passionarity in which the nation lives. Its mind-set creates its own national narrative, and therefore its own cinema language. The article is the part of a fundamental study on the theory of cinema, in which the main points are categories such as "film narrative", "conventionality of cinematograph" and "film language".
- Keywords:
- ethnic culture, national cinematograph, national mind-set, German film expressionism, new wave, Ingmar Bergman, dogme 95, film language, film narrative
Primenenie audiovizual'nogo metoda v obuchenii lingvostranovedeniiu na zaniatiiakh po inostrannomu iazyku
Book ChapterEducation: theory, methodology, practice- Author:
- Galina A. Sokolova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Современные лингвистические методы обучения
- Abstract:
- The article deals with possibilities of teaching culture-oriented linguistics using a foreign language, it gives a brief historical overview of the origin of culture-oriented linguistics in this country, it provides examples of tasks from modern textbooks on country studies and culture-oriented liguistics and analyzes the tasks, it describes in detail the main features of the audio-visual approach and ways of using it in foreign language teaching.
- Keywords:
- foreign language, culture-oriented linguistics, recording, film, audio-visual approach
Prospects of film education in Russia
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (2)- Author:
- Tatyana S. Ivashchenko
- Work direction:
- Discussion
- Abstract:
- Information visualization is becoming the most common method of popularizing educational areas. Serious attention should be paid to the problem of the correlation between the «book word» and «visual image», which can be regarded as a ratio of screen arts, first of all cinema, and literature in the system of secondary and higher education. Movie perception is a complex cognitive process. Accordin to the author`s opinion the development of film education in Russia will contribute to the education of a generation of active moviegoers.
- Keywords:
- education, literature, cinema, visual culture, pedagogical community, film education association