Problems of humanitarian education in the information society of risk

Research Article
EDN: GIEFCE DOI: 10.31483/r-32802
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education»
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Published in:
International academic journal «Development of education»
German N. Stepanenko 1
Work direction:
Education policy
Received: 14 May 2019

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doaj РИНЦ
1 Kazan Federal University
For citation:
Stepanenko G. N. (2019). Problems of humanitarian education in the information society of risk. Development of education, 13-15. EDN: GIEFCE.
UDC 37.01


The article deals with the problems of modern liberal education in the developing information society. Attention is focused on issues of political self-identification of students, the formation of legal consciousness and the causation of risky situations due to the dominance of technological processes in social self-determination.


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  2. 2. Stepanenko, R. F. Pravovye riski kak predmet issledovaniia obshchei teorii prava., 13-22.
  3. 3. Stepanenko, R. F. Prichinnost', poniatie i vidy pravovoi marginal'nosti. Gosudarstvo i pravo., 98-103.
  4. 4. Akopian, O. A., Bal'kheeva, S. B., & Golovina, A. A. (2018). Iuridicheskii konflikt: monografiia., 312. M.: INFRA-M.


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