- Main
- Journal "Development of education"
- Issue 1
Women’s Worldview of the Writer or the Aesthetic World of Literature (Reflections on the Term “Women’s Prose”)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 1- Author:
- Albina F. Myshkina
- Work direction:
- Special theme of the issue
- Abstract:
- Modern Chuvash literature, like other national literatures, is developing in many ways. This is clearly shown by those works in which new phenomena are formed that were previously alien to the literature of the Soviet period. The relevance of the article is connected with the need to determine the place and role of the concept of "women's prose" in Chuvash artistic creativity. The artistic world of Chuvash literature is primarily based on the worldview of the people and the uniqueness of the Chuvash language. Therefore, very often typical phenomena of Russian and world literature for the Chuvash literature become insignificant. In this regard, the purpose of the study was to present arguments in favor of the statement that the aesthetic world of the work is not directly related to the author's gender. The subject of the research in this article is the prose works of Chuvash women writers (Yu. Silem, U. Elmen, R. Prokopieva). In the course of the study, the following results were obtained: the writer's worldview includes many components, the most significant of them are the gender and nationality of the author; the concept of "women's prose" is not relevant for Chuvash literature, since it manifests itself only within the framework of individual works and is mainly associated with philosophical, psychological and lyrical the style of the writer.
- Keywords:
- genre, women's prose, women's worldview, women's image, style of a writer
Application of the Typological Approach in the Educational Space of the Higher School
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 1- Author:
- Elena M. Lysenko
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of this article is to generalize the ideas of teachers, psychologists, sociologists and acmeologists about the typological approach to students in the educational space of higher education. When writing the work, the tasks of systematizing existing students and building their own typology of students were solved based on the generalization of personality types, learning opportunities, styles of learning activities, the leading representative system and other criteria for identifying student typologies for the implementation of educational, educational and developmental activities of the university. The following scientific methods were used in the work: methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization and systematization, and the modeling method. The article shows that the typological approach is applicable for identifying and describing the main types characteristic of the subjects of the educational process on the scale of higher education. Particular attention is paid to the mechanisms for the development and application of the typological approach and the possibilities on its basis to organize productive interaction between the teacher and the student, taking into account the strengths of the individual, the levels of actual development and the areas of immediate development of students. It is shown that the resource capabilities of the identified personality types of trainees are actualized with the help of a master teacher, who applies individual, differentiated and personality-oriented approaches to future professionals in the course of their professional and personal development in the cycles of readable disciplines and in the system of educational activities of the university. The result of the study was the development of a comparative table of methods for typology of students (taking into account psychological-pedagogical and acme-oriented approaches and criteria for identifying typological groups) and their consideration in the organization of the educational process in higher education. The table systematizes the views of psychologists, sociologists, teachers and acmeologists on the educational process at the university over the past few decades and demonstrates the best ways for the educational activities of students.
- Keywords:
- differentiated approach, personal characteristics, typologies, typological approach, personality typology criteria, styles of learning activities, learning opportunities, updated learning opportunities
Assistance of Professional and Personal Growth of a Teacher by Means of Pedagogical Expertise: Retrospective Analysis of the Problem
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 1- Authors:
- Oleg L. Podlinyaev, Dmitry V. Fedotov
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to consider the leading approaches to the problem of substantiating the means of professional and personal growth of a teacher in the domestic psychological and pedagogical science of the first quarter of the twentieth century on the basis of historical and pedagogical analysis. The material for the study was the scientific and pedagogical works of psychologists and teachers of the named period, their ideas about the teacher's place in society, the need to assist the teacher in his professional development and self-improvement. Among other things, the works of the prominent Russian scientist M.F. Belyaev are analyzed. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the studied historical period is characterized by a special, socially conditioned and in-demand professional community, a research search aimed at the scientific substantiation of key aspects of teacher work, professional self-determination of the teacher and his professional and personal growth, as well as the identification of the main tools that ensure the productivity of this process. The ways of understanding the role of pedagogical expertise as a significant means of teacher self-improvement in the ideological legacy of psychologist and teacher M.F. Belyaev, who laid the methodological foundations of the examination of the teacher's work as a means of his professional and personal growth and justified the need for its humanitarian orientation, are shown. The significance of the ideas expressed by the scientist for modern education and their role in its further progressive development is determined.
- Keywords:
- teacher, professional and personal growth of a teacher, means of professional and personal growth, pedagogical expertise, retrospective analysis of pedagogical problems
Socio-Dispatching Activity of the School Psychological and Pedagogical Concilium Specialists in the Modern Conditions of the Development of an Inclusive Educational Process
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 1- Author:
- Sergey V. Zinin
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The state policy in the field of education poses new practical tasks, in particular, to learn how to include students with conditions that differ from the norm of health in an inclusive educational space, preserving and strengthening their health. The socio-dispatching activity of the school concilium is considered in the article as a key mechanism that ensures a decent quality of life for schoolchildren in the conditions of a protective clinical and pedagogical regime and an individual educational route. It has been practically established that teaching staff can competently navigate medical issues, take into account the special educational needs of students. Research methods. 68 referrals of students to medical specialists subscribed by the school concilium of the Moscow State Educational Institution «Secondary School No. 25 of Nizhneudinsk», whose professional work was seen to be of high importance for the educational process, were studied. The conducted research allowed us to draw the following conclusions: the effectiveness of providing social and pedagogical assistance from the school concilium specialists can reach 89.7% success rate and contribute to the formulation of new diagnoses, clarification or modification of previously given medical recommendations to students; 94.1% of constructive appeals to the health care system can subsequently have a qualitative impact on the special conditions of teaching schoolchildren. The analysis of social dispatching activities is carried out, problematic issues are raised, possible solutions are outlined. Therefore, the results of the study may be of interest to medical specialists; teachers working in the modern conditions of the implementation of Federal programs in the system of central and territorial PPCs, school conciliums, higher educational institutions; representatives of the legislature.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, special educational needs, individual educational route, social dispatching activities, psychological and pedagogical concilium (PPc), protective clinical and pedagogical regime
Socio-Psychological Features of Preschool Children with Unpopular Sociometric Statuses
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 1- Author:
- Olga V. Bodenova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article presents the results of the study of some socio-psychological characteristics of preschool children with unpopular sociometric statuses. The sociometric structure of a small social group is the result of its development and has a significant impact both on the functioning of the group itself and on the socio-psychological development of its members. On the one hand, personality traits along with other factors of psychical development and socialization contribute to or hinder the acquisition of favorable sociometric statuses. On the other hand, the possession of a certain sociometric status has an impact on the development of socio-psychological characteristics of the individual. Children with unpopular statuses are situated at the zone risk. The aim of the work was to study the socio-psychological characteristics of children with unpopular sociometric statuses. The study was conducted in preschool educational institutions of Petrozavodsk, Prionezhsky and Medvezhyegorsky districts of the Republic of Karelia. We used some methods to test the hypothesis. These are the «Secret» method, «Observation of children's communication», the Rosenzweig test, the «Monitoring aggressive behavior of children» method. The results of the study. The study found that neglected and ignored children have got by aggression and anxiety; demonstration of aggression and anxiety in children with unpopular sociometric statuses are determined by the strength of the need for communication (initiative). These qualities are inherent in children who have a high need for communication. In rejected and isolated children with low need for communication, these qualities are not expressed. Anxiety differs in situations of interaction with peers or adults. The results of the study determine new tasks and the direction of correctional and developmental work with unpopular children.
- Keywords:
- aggressiveness, interpersonal relationships, anxiety, personality defense mechanisms, sociometric statuses
Correction of Dysgraphy of Primary School Children with General Speech Underdevelopment
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 1- Authors:
- Maria A. Sibarova, Klavdiya I. Sultanbaeva
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- This article is devoted to the disclosure of the content of the correctional work of a speech therapist in violation of written speech with children with general underdevelopment of speech. The purpose of the article is to show the effectiveness of speech therapy work aimed at correcting dysgraphia of children with speech disorders. The increase of the growth of children with speech impairment in recent years indicates the relevance of this problem and the need to provide corrective assistance from teachers and a speech therapist. Untimely detection and correction of dysgraphy associated with speech underdevelopment prevent the full assimilation of the curriculum and the comprehensive development of the pupil. Research method. The author presents research data obtained using the diagnostic technique of O.B. Inshakova, which allows specialists to identify a violation of the written speech of younger schoolchildren and the degree of its severity. The methods of work of the teacher are also proposed, which increase the effectiveness of the correctional work of written speech in children of primary school age with speech disorders. Research results. The control experiment showed that the number of dysgraphic errors in children of primary school age with general underdevelopment of speech decreased by 35%. Conclusions. The results of the study of the written speech of younger schoolchildren indicate the need for the use of corrective work by a speech therapist, which should be focused on the development of phonemic hearing, sound pronunciation, sound analysis and word synthesis skills, it is also necessary to expand and enrich the child's vocabulary.
- Keywords:
- general underdevelopment of speech, written speech, primary school age, correction, dysgraphy
About the Implementation of the «School Cooperation» Project in the Republic of Tatarstan
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 1- Authors:
- Elena А. Astrakhantseva, Elvira A. Gatina
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The article focuses on the need for career guidance in rural schools, the popularization of cooperative entrepreneurship, the results of the «school cooperation» project in the Kazan Cooperative Institute. The relevance of the topic touched upon in this article is due to the fact that today modern youth does not see the possibility of self-realization and a decent lifestyle in rural areas, in their small homeland. The development and promotion of the «school cooperation» project provides an opportunity for young people, students of rural schools to realize the possibilities of doing business in rural areas (and/or in cities) by engaging in cooperative entrepreneurship. Using the method of descriptive analysis of the data set and numerous surveys of rural schools, district administrations of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as other regions of the Russian Federation, it was concluded that modern youth does not seek to stay in rural areas. The monitoring made it possible to come to the conclusion that in many regions of the republic there is a personnel shortage of individual specialists. Results. Based on the data obtained, the directions of cooperation and the possibility of implementing the «Accelerator of School Cooperatives» project were proposed, which was highly appreciated by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, corresponds to the goals of national projects and subprojects. Popularization and development of cooperation will make it possible to create a full-cycle cooperation in the future. The materials of the article will be useful to the heads of district administrations, heads of secondary schools for the popularization of cooperative entrepreneurship and the organization of student cooperatives in the regions.
- Keywords:
- schoolchildren, project, students, entrepreneurship, assistance, school cooperation, cooperative institute, funding, support agency for strategic initiatives
Hedging in a Research Article
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 1- Author:
- Irina V. Kochkareva
- Work direction:
- Дискуссия
- Abstract:
- The article focuses on linguistic hedging which helps avoid sounding arrogant or too certain of what you state in a research article. The relevance of the theme is based on the fact that nowadays the increasing number of Russian-speaking authors make attempts to publish their research articles in international journals. Writing research papers in the English language should follow some rules adopted in the English communicative culture. One of such rules is using hedging as a means of criticism mitigation and a “saving face” strategy. As hedging is not generally used in the Russian scientific discourse it is necessary to teach Russian scholars to apply hedging techniques in their writing. The aim of the article is to investigate the essence of hedging through analysis of sources written both in English and in Russian. The methods used include examination of Russian and English research papers, their comparative analysis, summing up recommendations on hedging in scientific discourse. As a result, the main lexical means of hedging are pointed out. A conclusion is made on necessity to include teaching linguistic hedging into courses of written academic communication for master degree students and postgraduates.
- Keywords:
- discourse, communicative culture, research article, hedging, written communication