List of publications on a keyword: «chess»
Assessment of the probability of bankruptcy of PJSC Lukoil
ProceedingRelevant issues of management, economics and economic security- Authors:
- Ekaterina A. Smolenkova, Iuliia S. Tsertseil
- Work direction:
- Анализ и прогнозирование основных тенденций современной экономики на макро-, мезо- и микроуровне
- Abstract:
- The article describes bankruptcy issues and information on conducting an assessment of the probability of assessing the bankruptcy of companies. Based on the data from the accounting statements of the oil and gas company PJSC Lukoil, the probability of bankruptcy of the company was assessed using four bankruptcy forecasting models. The article presents the conclusions of the analysis, evaluates the success of the introduction of the financial policy of the company.
- Keywords:
- bankruptcy, bankruptcy assessment, Lukoil, five-factor model, financial policy, bankruptcy forecasting models, Chesser`s model, Altman`s model, Belikov-Davydova`s model, Zaitseva`s model
Realization of Intellectual Potential: from Shatr to Alphazero Interactive Deep Neural Networks
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 3- Author:
- Arslang Y. Doglaev
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- One of the priorities of the system of ethno-cultural training is the development of inclinations and abilities, the realization of the intellectual potential of the individ-ual. The intellectual game of chess is a resource for the mental development of a person. In the article, the author offers a brief overview of the history of Kalmyk chess, as well as shows the effectiveness of modern Kalmyk chess players, an analy-sis of the development of logical thinking, speed and accuracy of mental opera-tions, from the origin to the use of artificial intelligence. The work also touched up-on various modern ways of playing a game in chess, and the effectiveness of their results in the context of this study. The materials and methods of this work are the theoretical method (analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature on the research topic). The results of the study and their discussion: the results of the tournaments were analyzed in the work, within the framework of which the study of the participants was conducted. The results of this experiment are presented. On the basis of the study, it can be concluded that the chess game is used to develop such human qualities as ingenuity and discipline, as well as a number of other important human qualities.
- Keywords:
- artificial intelligence, intellectual potential, chess, interactive activities
Formation of Intellectual Activity of Primary Schoolchildren in the Process of Learning to Play Chess
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 3- Author:
- Arslang Y. Doglaev
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is the solution of the problem of activating the intelligence of students, it seems especially relevant as an innovative technological stage that promotes young chess players to a higher level of realization of creative inclinations and abilities, intellectual potential. The following methods are used in the learning process: observation, testing, conversation, game methods, methods for solving chess problems, writing games, designing and solving original chess problems, modern information technologies, participation in competitions, including the Internet competitions, viewing and analyzing the content of chess games, participation in tournaments and competitions, P. Torrens creativity test «Finish a painting». Results. The Torrence test, conducted at the beginning and at the end of the study, determined the effectiveness of the experiment. We got a result that differs from the initial one: if the number of children with a low level was 27%, then at the final stage up to 19%, some of them moved to the middle level, some went to the group with a high level. The number of students with a high level at the beginning – 12%, at the end of the experiment – 21%. Conclusions. The intellectual activity of younger schoolchildren in the process of learning to play chess suggests that the student demonstrates the ability to break from the traditional solution and type of tasks to another type of tasks – original, non-standard, having a different proof algorithm, significantly improves the quality of training of young chess players, activates mental activity. The main thing is the active internal activity of the child himself, the realization of intellectual abilities, the development of inclinations, their transformation into intellectual abilities, unconventional, contradictory, creative thinking, the presence of a life goal to achieve chess heights, which determines his further own nature of activity.
- Keywords:
- intellectual activity, activation of mental activity, non-standard chess problems, Torrance test, internal activity