List of publications on a keyword: «role-play»
Methods of interactive training in the medical field
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Author:
- Viktoriia V. Zaritskaia
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The chapter presents a practical development of the situational role-playing method used in the course of teaching the discipline "Life safety" at a medical university. The goals and objectives of the lesson are considered, the competencies formed during the lesson are described, as well as the work plan.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, medicine, interactive forms of education, situational role-playing
BANI World: a New Reality and Educational Meanings
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 1- Authors:
- Leniza R. Kondrashkina, Nadezhda M. Novichkova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article examines the influence of external factors on education due to the peculiarities of the current reality of the BANI world. The signs of this world are understood in the context of changes in education as answers to the challenges of the new reality. The relationship of changes of the modern era in the form of challenges for education, pedagogical practice of training and upbringing, the need for personal development of students is disclosed. The specifics of modern practice meeting the requirements of the new reality were noted. The meanings of changes in the formation of a new reality are indicated: the model of «four-dimensional education» in the 21st century, the development of the personal potential of the student as a subject of the educational process, the use of pedagogical tools for the development of personal potential and the creation of a personal-developing educational environment. These meanings also include: the embodiment of the ideas of personalized training, a new model of the teacher's professionalism in changing conditions, developing management in educational organizations and his tools. The contribution of scientists to the development of scientific and theoretical responses to new challenges of our time to the education system, the pedagogical process of education and training, the process of personal development of a person is outlined. The results of the analytical work are presented in the form of provisions and key issues interpreting new meanings of changes in education.
- Keywords:
- SPOD world, VUCA world, new reality, BANI world, role-playing actions of the teacher
Role-Play as the Mode of Development of Foreign Language Presentation Skills
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 2- Authors:
- Julia I. Skudalova, Aleksey S. Shimichev
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to consider role-playing in the process of foreign language training at technical universities. The introduced form of the educational process contributes to the formation of foreign language presentation skills in a professional field of a future engineer. A foreign language competence confirms a high competency of a specialist. Role-playing business situations in an educational process are carried out on the basis of an integrated approach where knowledge from the professional field is transferred to the game with the help of a foreign language. Methods of creating typical situations at work in the classroom contribute to the formation of a favorable environment for the development of business qualities and foreign language skills in a professional sphere. In the course of the research a three-stage structure of role-playing, its content in relation to the stated conditions are described. Difficulties that arise during the game and possible methods to overcome them are listed. It is concluded that role-playing related to the professional activities of future engineers motivate them to learn a foreign language and bring the learning process closer to real professional communication. The practical experience gained in the classroom will be a valuable experience for making a successful career in the field of engineering.
- Keywords:
- role-play, professional field, presentation skills, spontaneity of a foreign-language utterance, foreign language training
Seminarskie zaniatiia v interaktivnoi forme: opyt prepodavaniia
Book ChapterIssues of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Natalya Y. Sivkina
- Work direction:
- Chapter 12
- Abstract:
- In recent years, teachers and psychologists have often written about the need to use interactive forms of learning. In this paper, the author shares his experience of conducting seminars on the discipline «Primitive Society». According to the author, the successful result of the modern learning process lies in the solution of multifunctional tasks, in the variety of forms of classes, in the dynamics of the lesson itself.
- Keywords:
- history, project activity, group work, interactive form of learning, role-playing game