List of publications on a keyword: «spiritual and moral values»
Mentoring as a tool for the diverse development of preschoolers based on the spiritual and moral values of the Russian people
ProceedingSormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education- Authors:
- Alesia A. Salabai, Natalia V. Martynenko, Svetlana A. Morozova
- Work direction:
- Психолого-педагогическая поддержка личности в экстремальных условиях и кризисных ситуациях жизнедеятельности
- Abstract:
- In the article, the authors actualize the modern problem of mentoring. Interest in mentoring in education has resurfaced in the last decade. Researchers pay attention to the historical aspects of mentoring. Considering the problem of the role of mentoring in the development of preschoolers, using the context of spiritual and moral education. Mentoring is a universal pedagogical technology. Her role is not only to transfer experience, knowledge and the formation of diverse skills, but also to influence moral and spiritual values through communication and mutual trust. Spiritual and moral development is a gradual expansion of the value-semantic sphere of a personality under the influence of the processes of upbringing and socialization. The authors briefly comment on the features of this process in pre-school conditions.
- Keywords:
- spirituality, teacher, development, educator, family, preschoolers, mentoring, spiritual and moral values, homeland, love, kindness, honesty
Developing Spiritual and Moral Values of High School Students in English Lessons
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 1- Authors:
- Natalia A. Fedotova, Galina V. Sorokoumova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article describes an experimental study aimed at developing the spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. It was assumed that the use of debatable teaching methods would contribute to the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. The study included 3 stages: the primary diagnosis of the spiritual and moral sphere of the personality of students of experimental and control groups – M. Rokich's methodology "Diagnosis of value orientations", diagnosis of moral education by M. I. Shilova, methods of studying patriotic education by I.D. Lushnikov, methods "Study of self-esteem of personality" by S. A. Budassi; development, testing and implementation in the educational process in an experimental group of discussion methods of teaching; conducting a control diagnosis of the spiritual and moral sphere of students and analyzing the effectiveness of the proposed exercises. The analysis of the research results showed that the use of debatable teaching methods has a positive impact on the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. Proven and implemented discussion methods in the educational process are important for understanding the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students and can be useful for educational practices.
- Keywords:
- spiritual and moral values, high school students, English lessons, debatable teaching methods
Chuvash Proverbs and Sayings as an Ethnopedagogical Means of Introducing Traditional Family Values
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 4- Author:
- Klara V. Pushkina
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- In modern society, the family is an important component of universal culture that preserves traditional national values. In the conditions of ongoing social changes leading to the growth of national self-consciousness, return to the roots, destruction of stereotypes, change of attitude to family values, it is necessary to preserve the understanding of the family as a traditional social institution. In this regard, the study of proverbs and sayings reflecting universal and national family values is of great importance. The aim of the study is to identify and substantiate family values in the upbringing of the younger generation in modern Chuvash families. The article considers traditional family values as the foundation of a strong and friendly family. The analysis of Chuvash proverbs and sayings about family life and family relations in the article shows that the Chuvash people place family values highly, brought up on national cultures and traditions. Our practical research shows that children's attachment to their parents is increasingly weakening. The lack of understanding of their children's behavior is explained by the following reasons: 1) parents' lack of fundamental pedagogical knowledge and skills; 2) parents' neglecting the basics of Chuvash family upbringing based on spiritual and moral values in the upbringing of their children. The author argues that the study of the basics of ethnic pedagogy will give positive results in the upbringing of children. The article used both general theoretical methods, including both the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic under consideration, including encyclopedic and reference literature, folklore works, and empirical methods, including pedagogical observation, the use of questionnaires and surveys, and generalisation of ethnopedagogical experience. The experimental work was carried out to determine the moral potential of traditional family values in the Chuvash family. The author comes to the conclusion that Chuvash families have preserved national customs and traditions that they inherited from their ancestors in order to pass on to the next generations as a common reference point in their family life.
- Keywords:
- children, parents, spiritual and moral values, experimental work, ethnic pedagogy, modern Chuvash family, educational traditions, pedagogical means of education, proverbs and sayings
Quality of life and reproductive health of Russian students: modes of reflexive management
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Svetlana I. Filippchenkova, Elena A. Evstifeeva
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The article presents the results of developing a model of reflexive quality of life management for the reproductive health of Russian students based on the explication of its value-semantic priorities, personal potential and for the strategy of accumulating human capital and spiritual and moral education. Reflexive management of the quality of life in relation to reproductive health means a purposeful process of influencing the changing parameters of the quality of life, initiated by the identification of spiritual and moral value-semantic priorities, personal and reproductive potentials of young people. The managerial function of the quality of life in relation to reproduction makes it possible to authenticate the will (desire) and active reflexive actions of a young person along the path of its preservation and generalization.
- Keywords:
- personal potential, spiritual and moral values, student youth, reproductive health, reflexive management of the quality of life
Socio-Philosophical Aspects of the Problem of Spiritual Safety of Personality and Society
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Aleksei A. Kliuev
- Work direction:
- The essence of psychological security of the individual
- Abstract:
- The author of the article focuses on understanding spiritual security. The author considers this problem to be relevant. The social and philosophical foundations of the problem of ensuring spiritual security are considered, the components of the spiritual system of society, trends in the development of education and mass culture are analyzed. The author comes to the conclusion that the problem of ensuring the spiritual development of the individual and society is an integral element of national security.
- Keywords:
- national security, spiritual security, spiritual health, spiritual and moral values, cultural development