List of publications on a keyword: «historical»
The history of Russian education: "through thorns to the stars"
ProceedingDevelopment of Modern Competencies of Teachers and Students through the Study and Popularization of the Traditional Culture of the Peoples of the Russian Federation- Author:
- Sergei L. Danilchenko
- Work direction:
- Теория и история традиционной культуры народов России
- Abstract:
- The article systematically describes the historical experience of the emergence and development of the Russian education system from the time of Kievan Rus to the end of the XIX century. In the conditions of modernization of domestic education, scientific interest in the history of the education system is increasing in order to creatively apply in educational practice the rich spiritual and cultural heritage of our ancestors accumulated over centuries. Historical experience can contribute to improving the quality of training of young specialists in the field of pedagogy and management of the education system.
- Keywords:
- reforming the educational system, achievements of domestic education, historical educational practices, traditional educational ties of Russia with the former republics of the Soviet Union
Ot cheloveka tselostnogo k cheloveku vozmozhnomu
Book ChapterIssues of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Iurii I. Rodin
- Work direction:
- Chapter 13
- Abstract:
- The paper attempts to dive into the problem of the formation of a possible person from the position of the transdisciplinarity of the existing knowledge about a single substance (B. Spinoza), cognizability of the world (I.M. Sechenov), personality and society (N.A. Berdyaev), man in culture (M.K. Mamardashvili, V.P. Zinchenko), the problem of the ideal (E.V. Ilyenkov), objectivity and subjectivity of consciousness (M.M. Bakhtin, G.G. Shpet), as well as cultural-historical, activity paradigms of human mental development (L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria, A.N. Leontiev, etc.), cultural-analytical approach. Since the truth, according to M.M. Bakhtin, is fundamentally incompatible within the limits of one consciousness, we invited outstanding thinkers of the past and present from various fields of science and art to a correspondence dialogue. After all, truth is always eventful, it is born at the point of contact of different consciousnesses. The limitations of scientific concepts in understanding the essence of the movement of a holistic person to a possible person are overcome by the presence of living metaphors in the text. The starting point in the reasoning is the thesis about the vital bodily-spiritual unity of a child who naturally lives simultaneously in the past, present, future, real and imaginary worlds, endowed with the main passion of a person – to be, to be fulfilled, to take place. The main issue discussed in the article is the possibility of a child reaching the ultimate state, striving for which he can become a possible person, able to form himself personally, despite any external circumstances (M.K. Mamardashvili), that is, constantly in various activities and actions to perform an act of surpassing himself. A number of arguments are given in favor of this. Among them: the presence of unlimited development potentials in the newborn in the form of fused sensory-emotional-motor reactions (innate reflexes) and extreme sensitivity to environmental influences, thanks to which the child is able to accept any trajectory of development under the influence of a «humanized and humanizing environment»; the appearance of elements of thought from feeling; the emergence of memory – the primary fact of personality, and the unity of universal and individual consciousness associated with it, familiarization with the material Universe – from its timeless beginning to its timeless end; substantiation of the thesis that a person is not a set of functions, and a certain dynamic integrity of a person means that the main thing in teaching and upbringing is, based on the natural biological laws of development, the introduction of the child with universal values in joint – dividing activity, Intermediary Action in terms of B.D. Elkonin [17; 29; 38; 39], stimulating living acts that contribute to the manifestation of the student's abilities and efforts of a historical person embedded in a cultural subject; his comprehension of the meaning of life situations, their creative understanding, the emergence of an experience of the responsibility of an act as the first phenomena of possible human development.
- Keywords:
- Keywords: a holistic person, historical person, present person, possible person, the principle of consistency, elements of thought, purposeless goals, subject-dividing activity, Intermediary Action, Cumulative Action, the meaning of life situations, the meaning of life
The character of the city of Verny (Almaty) in pre-revolutionary journals of historical themes in Russia (1854-1917)
Book ChapterThe character of the city of Verny (Almaty) in pre-revolutionary journals of historical themes in Russia (1854-1917)- Author:
- Sergei S. Tiurin
- Work direction:
- Все направления
- Abstract:
- Faithful military fortification, founded in the middle of the XIX century in the south-eastern outskirts of the Russian Empire, was located far from the center of the state with a turbulent political and social life. At the same time in the middle of the XIX century, there is interest in the history of Russia, memoirs, internal politics and social sciences in general, that leading to the emergence of an unprecedented hitherto the number of periodicals historical themes. This article explores references to the city / Verny Fortification in the "Historical Gazette", "Notes of the Fatherland", "Russian Archive", "Niva", "Russian Gazette", "Russian Antiquity", "Russian Thought" and a number of other publications. Identified during the study, articles and notes on the city of Verny allow us to get an idea of what exactly the city remembers to travelers, what specific information about it was reflected in historical journals published between 1854 and 1917 in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
- Keywords:
- Russian Antiquity, The city of Verny, Verny Fortification, Alma-Ata, Almaty, Apple toponym, historical source, studying Almaty, Russia and China, Russia and the Kokand khanate, Niva, Historical Bulletin, Russian Archive, Russian Thought, Russian Gazette, Bulletin of Europe, Notes of the Fatherland
Children of an Epoch or a Slave of His Time (about the System of Images and the Image of an Epoch in Literature)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 2- Authors:
- Albina F. Myshkina, Inessa V. Iadranskaia
- Work direction:
- Special theme of the issue
- Abstract:
- In human culture, since ancient times, fiction has developed as a mirror of time. Therefore, a dual understanding of time is reflected in the poetics of the work: firstly, it is the time that is connected with the narrative and is developed in the plot of the work (artistic time), and secondly, it is the time, the epoch of writing the work itself (historical time). The artistic image of the time is reflected not only in historical genres, but also in all other genres and styles of literature. The historical era of writing a work can be captured in the thoughts and worldview of the characters, in the conflict being developed, the subject matter and the problems involved. The relevance of the study is related to the fact that the tragic periods of history depicted in the work must be analyzed through the worldview and moral standarts of the people. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to identify the philosophical and aesthetic connection between the artistic time continuum and the historical epoch. The subject of the research in this article is the novelette of the literary scholar and prose writer Georgy Fedorov “Ai, mantaran hir mulkaci” ("Oh, poor hare »). In the course of the study, the following results were obtained: in an artistic and philosophical work, the category of time becomes both a method of deepening the character's personality, and an indicator of the figurative model of the world, and the subject of research.
- Keywords:
- artistic image, philosophical work, category of time, artistic time, historical time, historical crisis, “large” time, “short” time
Analiz finansovoi globalizatsii: global'nyi finansovyi rynok, istoricheskie aspekty i sovremennost'
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Authors:
- Elena N. Stenkina, Larisa A. Sakharova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Экономика и менеджмент
- Abstract:
- The relevance of this research is related to financial globalization, which pays great attention to the historical aspects of financial globalization and the formation of financial aspects in all industries, where for historians this phenomenon is one of the most important events in the world, the importance of the financial sector in the entire national economics greatly affects the development of economical processes.
- Keywords:
- financial system, financial globalization, financial market, historical aspects of globalization, finance, economic phenomena, securities, financial environment, strategic planning of the financial system
Historical approach as a basis for improving the effectiveness of studying nonmetal chemistry in primary schools
ProceedingEducation and Pedagogy- Authors:
- Liia M. Obutova, Kseniia E. Egorova
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- The article considers the use of the historical approach as one of the ways to improve the effectiveness of studying chemistry in primary school. Historical materials for chemistry teachers are not only a source of new facts and illustrations, but also a powerful means of pedagogical influence, which contributes to the effective assimilation of educational material and increase the cognitive activity of students.
- Keywords:
- historical approach, the principle of historicism, chemistry of nonmetals
Vocational Education at the University: Renewal Priorities
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Denis S. Somov, Aleksandr T. Mukhametshin
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики
- Abstract:
- The priorities of updating vocational education at a university are disclosed. The characteristic of the university as a historically proven system of higher education is given. In the historical and pedagogical analysis revealed a variety of types of higher schools in different eras. The saturation line of the higher education level of the professional component in domestic and foreign experience is traced. The experience of continuing the traditions of vocational education at Gzhel State University is given.
- Keywords:
- professional education, university as a historically proven system of higher education, professional component of higher education
Formation of Patriotic consciousness of Russian youth in the digital economy: according to the results of the sociological survey "Read-country»
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Dmitrij N. Ermakov
- Work direction:
- Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования
- Abstract:
- The formation of a Patriotic worldview of Russian youth is an important component of the state youth policy in Russia. Saturation of the book market with products of national and Patriotic themes is one of the priorities of socially oriented business. The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted among Russian youth who demonstrated a high interest in literature of military - Patriotic content.
- Keywords:
- youth, sociological survey, patriotic education, Soviet literature, military-historical literature, classical literature, formation of an active life position among young people, sociological research
Statics and Dynamics of Ethnic Autostereotypes of Uzbek Youth (On the Experience of a Fifteen-Year Historical Cross-Section)
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Pulat S. Ergashev
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The comparative results of the 15-year study on stereotypical associations regarding the ethnonym “Uzbeks” among uzbek youth are presented in the article. Methods. The main components of the content of the ethnic autostereotype of uzbek youth at the beginning of our century (2003–2005) and today are revealed by the method of associative experiment. Comparative analysis of the results of the association experiment in the context of 15 years showed a significant increase in the role of “personal traits” in the characteristics of their ethnic group, as opposed to a sharp reduction in the share of traditional activities and their products. Results. It is pointed out that despite the fact that the concepts related to national clothing retain their leading positions (for example “tyubeteika”, “atlas”, etc.) and objects of national life (“lagan”, “tandyr” etc.), the strengthening of ethnic self-perception through the historical prism and geographical features was recorded, which may be a consequence of active educational work, which focusing on historical achievements and the special geostrategic position of the country. It is concluded that the results obtained can be a sign of noticeable shifts in the national consciousness of uzbek youth, which are manifested in the shift of attention from the external attributes of the traditional way of life of the ethnic group to the internal composition of these formal features.
- Keywords:
- ethnic group, ethnic self-awareness, ethnic identification, ethnic autostereotypes, associative experiment, evolution of stereotypes, historical cross-sections
Kul'turno-obrazovatel'naia sreda provintsial'nogo goroda
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: modern trends- Author:
- Tatiana I. Stepanova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- The issues on the cultural and educational environment of a provincial town are considered in the article. The author outlines that numerous proverbs, sayings, speech patterns, phrases interpreting the role of the environment in the human community have developed in the culture of the people: «left the environment», «dissolve in the environment», «product of the environment». Also, the author emphasizes that the cultural and educational environment of a small town in the context of its spiritual content is determined by the cultural level of the population; the degree of people’s spiritual needs development; cultural and educational institutions. The cultural and educational environment includes two components – cultural and educational, which closely interact with each other. The article analyzes the activities of educational organizations, describes the features of the musical environment of Stary Oskol of Belgorod Region.
- Keywords:
- cultural and educational environment, provincial town, educational institutions, historical and regional traditions
"Sokhranenie nematerial'nogo kul'turnogo naslediia" kak sotsial'no-pravovoi institut i ego znachenie v sovremennom obshchestve: metodologicheskie, teoreticheskie i pravovye aspekty
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: modern trends- Author:
- Nikolai I. Dorokhov
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- The theoretical, methodological and legal problems of the «intangible cultural heritage» as a social phenomenon is considered as well as the foundations of state policy in relation to monuments of cultural and historical heritage are defined. It is noted that the essence of this phenomenon – the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage - should be considered in two aspects: in a narrow and broad sense of this phenomenon. In a narrow sense, the essential characteristic of the institution in question refers to cultural, ethnic, personal identity. In a broad sense, the essence of this social phenomenon implies a number of aspects: ontological, epistemological, functional, philosophical, normative (regulatory), programmed, instrumental (methodical). A well-thought-out socio-cultural policy aimed at reviving and preserving the cultural heritage should be harmoniously implemented at the federal, regional, local (municipal) levels.
- Keywords:
- legal regulation, intangible cultural heritage, historical and cultural monuments, historical traditions
Language - as a means of transmitting cultural heritage
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society: Theory and Practice- Authors:
- Igor V. Stepanov, Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Alisa V. Bogdanova
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- Language, culture, heritage, literary criticism, art
- Keywords:
- in the article the authors propose to consider the concept of language as a means of transmitting cu, Also expressed the view that the tradition of passing language experience from generation to generat, creative refraction in the history of cultural heritage, influences the historical destinies of Nations, as they cement unity people in embodied ideals
Formation and development of psychological knowledge in the higher pedagogical school of Russia
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (3)- Author:
- Tatiana I. Bezuglaia
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the development of psychological knowledge in higher pedagogical education in Russia at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. An explanation of the change in psychological knowledge is given, in connection with the historical fact of the definition of psychology as an independent science and its separation from the boundaries of philosophy during this period of time. Teaching institutions of Russia of the end of the XIX century are described, the content of education in them is explained, as well as the essence of higher pedagogical education of that time. The article also describes the higher pedagogical education of the beginning of the 20th century, in particular, the post-revolutionary period. The forms, essence and content of this formation are shown, as well as the level of contradictions that have arisen in the formation of that time.
- Keywords:
- psychological knowledge, teaching institutions, university curricula, higher education reform, general and pedagogical psychology, experimental psychology, pedagogical process, polytechnic school, cultural and historical development
Volga toponym "Shigali" (etymological and folklore subjects)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Yuriy N. Isaev
- Work direction:
- 1
- Abstract:
- The article considers the etymology of the toponym Shigali. the spread of chuvash names of settlements as the chuvashes move from the lower reaches of the Volga to the Wild Field. Borrowed elements in the Chuvash language from Arabic, Mari languages are fixed. The identification of a number of historical data on the basis of archival sources allows us to consider the historical and etymological branch of the prevalence of the Shigali oikonym in different lexical variations and phonetic variants. Materials on toponymy of the Chuvash region from the point of view of different scientists are also considered. The key goal of the study, which is described in this article, is simple - to "read" the history of native land in the language of toponymy is very interesting. Everyone reads it as far as possible – who as a simple man, who as a scientific. To understand it correctly, a complex historical analysis and classification of toponyms is needed. The language of our native land is rich and eloquent and a person who can read toponymy, it can tell infinitely many interesting things.
- Keywords:
- toponymy, Norvash Shigali, etymology of toponyms, Republic of Chuvashia, Tatarstan, Mari El, historical migration of the Chuvash people, borrowed arabisms, wandering vocabulary, anthropotoponyms
Resursy istoriko-kul'turnogo turizma i ikh rol' v povyshenii obrazovatel'nogo i prosvetitel'nogo urovnia razlichnykh sloev naseleniia
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 1- Authors:
- Valentina P. Chibilyova, Anton A. Chibiliov
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- This monograph describes the historical and cultural tourism resources of the Orenburg region, which have great potential for creation of unique historical and cultural centers and landscape parks, which simultaneously fulfill scientific, cultural, educational and tourist tasks. Historical and cultural tourism plays an important role in raising enlightenment and educational levels of both the individual and specific social groups in such aspects as the formation of aesthetic and ethical norms of perception of the surrounding natural and multicultural social world in order to obtain new information, experience and impressions to meet cultural needs.
- Keywords:
- historical and cultural heritage, centers of historical and cultural tourism and excursions, tourist potential, historical places
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Author:
- Olga V. Rozina
- Work direction:
- Образование как социальный институт
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the influence of the historical memory and the traditional values on the formation of the national ideal and the national system of education. The main contradictions of the modern education system are determined and the ways out of the current situation are outlined
- Keywords:
- national ideal of the people, national education system, historical memory, traditional basic values, sociocultural environment