Idioms of russian fairy tale from the viewpoint of the carrier of the chinese language (on the material of the fairy tale «the frog princess»)

Research Article
EDN: PWWFTX DOI: 10.31483/r-32787
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education»
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International academic journal «Development of education»
Roman E. Telpov 1 , Hanqing Wang 1
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Received: 9 May 2019

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1 FSBEI of HE «Pushkin State Russian Language Institute»
For citation:
Telpov R. E., & Wang H. (2019). Idioms of russian fairy tale from the viewpoint of the carrier of the chinese language (on the material of the fairy tale «the frog princess»). Development of education, 99-101. EDN: PWWFTX.
UDC 811.581


The article analyzes the idioms used in the fairy tale «The Frog Princess» in terms of the possibility of their transmission by means of the Chinese language. Analysis of the material allows us to conclude that in most cases Russian idioms is translated into Chinese through the use of free phrases. Through the use of idioms in Chinese option, characterized by increased expressiveness and occupy a nodal place in the fairy tale. The article analyzes the main differences between Russian idioms and substitute them tales in Chinese idioms.


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