List of publications on a keyword: «English language teaching»
Teaching English using the subject-language CLIL methodology (on the example of the Republic of Tuva)
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 4- Author:
- Choduraa K. Irgit
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of this work is to substantiate the ethno-cultural orientation in teaching English among bilingual students of Tuvan State University as the basis for the formation of intercultural competence. The strengthening of internationalization and mutual influence of polylinguocultural social communities in different spheres of life actualizes the question of the need to solve educational problems in a broad socio-cultural context and the dialogue of cultures. It is possible through a discipline in English, aimed at studying Tuvan culture by students in the context of the past and the present. We have defined the purpose of the discipline, the content of cultural knowledge, the planned competencies as a result of studying the discipline by students, and also formulated principles. The discipline is based on the application of the innovative subject-integrated methodology CLIL, combining content and language. Its combination with the ethno-cultural component in teaching English creates the potential not only to improve the skills of foreign language communicative competence, but also contributes to the formation of intercultural competence of students.
- Keywords:
- intercultural competence, bilingualism, English language teaching, ethno-cultural orientation of teaching, Tuvan culture, Republic of Tuva, integrated subject-language methodology CLIL
Using a Situational-Game Approach at the English Lessons in the Secondary General School
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 2- Author:
- Alexandra O. Lestenko
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The article considers the features of using the situational-game approach as a means of forming lexical skills in English language lessons at the secondary school level. The aim of the work is to study the use of a situational-game approach in teaching English to develop the lexical skills of a student studying at a secondary school, to propose and test methodically during the experiment techniques that should increase the effectiveness of teaching. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were formed: to develop a set of exercises for teaching grade 6 students foreign language vocabulary using a situational-game approach; to apply a situational-game approach in English lessons. The theoretical significance of the work consists in a systematic approach to teaching lexical means, formulation of requirements for working with these means at the stages of training and output to speech, development of new ways of generalization and activation of lexical material. The practical significance of the work is connected with the fact that the results of the study can be used directly in the educational process when teaching foreign language vocabulary in the conditions of secondary school, contributes to improving the efficiency of the process of teaching the Russian language. The article presents examples of the use of situational-game approach in English lessons in the 6th grade of secondary school. During the experiment, all the goals and objectives were achieved, and the expediency of the proposed set of pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of the system of formation of lexical skills in schoolchildren by using a situational-game approach in the process of learning English was confirmed. Based on the above, it can be concluded that the use of a situational-game approach when studying vocabulary in English lessons gives a positive dynamic, and also solves all the tasks.
- Keywords:
- pedagogy, secondary school, English language teaching, lexical skill, game method, situational-game approach, simulations, conversational skills