List of publications on a keyword: «миграция»
Sostoianie vneshnego i vnutrennego migratsionnogo potoka po regionam Kyrgyzstana: analiz i perspektivy
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects No 2- Author:
- Kubanychbek T. Sheiitov
- Work direction:
- Социально-экономическая политика России и зарубежных стран
- Abstract:
- Автор анализирует внешний и внутренний миграционный поток населения регионов Кыргызстана. Отмечается тенденция снижения внешней миграции, позитивные изменения в экономике, описываются последствия стихийных внутренних миграционных потоков в регионах.
- Keywords:
Migratsionnyi krizis v Germanii i poiski puti ego preodoleniia
ProceedingParadigms of Russian History through the lens of biographistics (for 140th anniversary of Alexey Ivanovich Yakovlev)- Authors:
- Aleksei A. Glotov, M. A. Adamova
- Work direction:
- Геополитика: ретроспектива, перспектива, проблемы изучения и преподавания
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена анализу причин, возможных последствий и путей преодоления современного миграционного кризиса в Германии. Особое внимание уделено рассмотрению взаимосвязи миграционных процессов и кризисных явлений европейского развития. Проанализированы характерные особенности миграционного кризиса в Германии. На основе изучения было установлено, что на современном этапе это достаточно распространенная региональная проблема и пути ее решения достаточно многообразны.
- Keywords:
Homo Sapiens. A chelovechestvo?
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 4- Author:
- Nikolai A. Savotkin
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- Mankind is one of the organs of an organism distributed in space – the Earth's Biosystem; therefore, it can exist, evolving, only with continuous interaction and competition according to the laws of the living world with all its parts. To participate in its transformations of the living and mineral worlds into a single living organism, uniting for this the mind of people into the mind of humanity. As the author notes, having distinguished itself from Nature, mankind began to parasitize on the living world, being content only with the mind of separate individuals to achieve their selfish goals. To this end, relations are changing both among people and their associations, up to and including states. The egoism of people led to capitalism – a disastrous path for humanity. In the presence of the mind of mankind, another society would be chosen based on the laws of nature.
- Keywords:
- psychology, development, interaction, competition, degradation, laws, living world, biocenosis, morality, egoism, predators, migration, family
Afrikanskie diaspory sovremennoi Velikobritanii (somaliitsy, zimbabviitsy, nigeriitsy, iuzhnoafrikantsy)
Book ChapterAfrican diasporas of modern Britain (Somalis, Zimbabweans, Nigerians, South Africans)- Author:
- Grigorii A. Karpov
- Work direction:
- Авторская монография
- Abstract:
- The monograph is devoted to the study of the four largest Afrikan diasporas of modern Britain (Somali, Zimbabwean, Nigerian and South African). The history of the formation and the dynamics of the growth of the number of each of the diasporas, as well as the main channels of migration from Africa, were subjected to a detailed analysis. The paper received coverage of a wide range of issues concerning the Africans of modern Britain: the internal and external background of African migration, the specifics of the African diasporas, their successes and problems towards integration into British society. The book will be interesting to historians, ethnologists, culturologists and all who are interested in the modern history of Western Europe and Africa
- Keywords:
- African diasporas, modern Great Britain, African migration, resettlement of population
Volga toponym "Shigali" (etymological and folklore subjects)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Yuriy N. Isaev
- Work direction:
- 1
- Abstract:
- The article considers the etymology of the toponym Shigali. the spread of chuvash names of settlements as the chuvashes move from the lower reaches of the Volga to the Wild Field. Borrowed elements in the Chuvash language from Arabic, Mari languages are fixed. The identification of a number of historical data on the basis of archival sources allows us to consider the historical and etymological branch of the prevalence of the Shigali oikonym in different lexical variations and phonetic variants. Materials on toponymy of the Chuvash region from the point of view of different scientists are also considered. The key goal of the study, which is described in this article, is simple - to "read" the history of native land in the language of toponymy is very interesting. Everyone reads it as far as possible – who as a simple man, who as a scientific. To understand it correctly, a complex historical analysis and classification of toponyms is needed. The language of our native land is rich and eloquent and a person who can read toponymy, it can tell infinitely many interesting things.
- Keywords:
- toponymy, Norvash Shigali, etymology of toponyms, Republic of Chuvashia, Tatarstan, Mari El, historical migration of the Chuvash people, borrowed arabisms, wandering vocabulary, anthropotoponyms
Kratkii obzor ekonomicheskikh teorii migratsii naseleniia
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects- Author:
- Kubanychbek T. Sheiitov
- Work direction:
- Экономическая теория
- Abstract:
- Автор статьи считает, что знания экономических теорий миграции населения способствуют формированию государственной политики трудовой миграции и инвестирования в будущее развитие экономики страны. Автор пришел к выводу, что государствам поставщикам трудовых мигрантов, с учетом происходящих изменений занятости населения по сферам экономики развитых стран, следует профессионально готовить потенциальных трудовых мигрантов к будущей работе в развитых странах.
- Keywords: