List of publications on a keyword: «concepts»
Problemy razvitiia otechestvennoi teorii upravleniia organizatsiiami v usloviiakh sovremennoi rynochnoi ekonomiki i perspektivy ikh resheniia
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Aleksandr A. Kiselev
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- At present, the domestic theory of organizational management is going through a difficult period of adaptation to the new conditions of the market economy, to the scientific rethinking and justification of the inclusion of foreign concepts and terms in its conceptual apparatus, giving relevance to modern scientific provisions of the domestic theory of organizational management in their practical activities. It should be noted that today it is important to remove from use a number of foreign terms that have no scientific feasibility for their inclusion in the conceptual apparatus of the domestic theory of management and at the same time to determine the scientific essence and place in the conceptual apparatus of those foreign concepts that are actively used by both researchers and practitioners in their professional activities. And an important condition for the effectiveness of the development of the domestic theory of organizational management in modern conditions is, firstly, the exclusion of «blurring» and «rewriting» by researchers the content of the basic concept of «management» for each specific situation, and secondly, the need for scientific justification of the essence and content of the concept of «management» introduced into the conceptual apparatus of the domestic theory of organizational management, as well as its place in the conceptual apparatus in relation to the concept of «management».
- Keywords:
- management, control, domestic theory of management of organizations, conditions of market economy, foreign concepts in domestic theory of management, relationship between the concepts of «control» and «management»
Theoretical approaches to understanding of the phenomenon of bullying
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Author:
- Natalia V. Korol
- Work direction:
- Глава 11
- Abstract:
- The chapter examines the concept of bullying, based on the analysis of literary sources, the main theoretical approaches to understanding bullying in schools are highlighted, namely: Social Cognition Theory, Dominance Theory of Bullying, Humiliation Theory, Social Capital Theory, Organization Cultural Theory, Cognitive Developmental Theory, Theory of Response to Group and peer Pressure.
- Keywords:
- bullying, concepts of Bullying, Social Cognition Theory, Dominance Theory of Bullying, Humiliation Theory, Social Capital Theory, Organization Cultural Theory, Cognitive Developmental Theory, Theory of Response to Group and peer Pressure
Ecological and valeological concepts of the use of physical culture in the education of secondary school students
ProceedingTopical Issues of Personal Self-Development: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspect- Authors:
- Zoia L. Chumak, Zhanna G. Shakhmatenko
- Work direction:
- Психолого-педагогические основы развития личности
- Abstract:
- This article presents the results of a study of the level of need for a healthy lifestyle, physical education. To do this, it is necessary that all academic disciplines of modern education, all educational pedagogical activities contribute to this.
- Keywords:
- healthy lifestyle, need, physical culture of the individual, ecological, valeological concepts, use of physical culture, education of schoolchildren
"Smart City": The Idea and Basic Concepts
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Lidiia G. Biliaeva, Artemii N. Kamennov, Tatyana L. Fomicheva
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- The article examines «Smart City» as a concept that represents the use of information and communication technologies for more effective control and management of urban economy, city assets, such as schools, libraries, hospitals, law enforcement agencies, public services, power plants, etc. It is worth noting that this project is spreading more rapidly in the context of urbanization, because it can be used to find solutions to various social problems.
- Keywords:
- information and communication technologies, concepts, smart city
Autentifikatsiia arkhetipicheskikh struktur rossiiskoi massovoi kul'tury v sovremennykh politicheskikh imidzhakh (sotsial'no-filosofskii prognoz)
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: modern trends- Author:
- Larisa S. Nabokova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- The theoretical assumptions and empirical data on the application of technology of integrated concepts of archetypal structures in the sphere of modern mechanisms of influence on the consciousness of social groups in Russian society, as well as conclusions on the results of research on the authentication processes of archetypes of Russian national consciousness in modern representations of youth subcultures. It is assumed that modern technologies of influence on mass consciousness can become a fundamental basis for the formation of a new mass culture.
- Keywords:
- integrated concepts of archetypal structures, mass culture, mass consciousness, political technologies, archetype
Kontseptual'nye osnovy formirovaniia kul'tury zhizni v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve vysshei shkoly
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 4- Authors:
- Elena M. Lysenko, Sergei V. Korotenko
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- In the article from the position of acmesynergetic and socio-cultural approaches with the help of general theoretical methods of research of pedagogical problems and included monitoring of the processes of socialization, acculturation and acmeologization of university students the key concepts of formation of the culture of life of students in the educational space of higher education were developed and justified.
- Keywords:
- culture of life, multicultural educational process, principle of cultural diversity, culture of being, educational space, vectors of culture of life, concepts
Program of the correction of the speech of children with the limited opportunities of health of the senior preschool age in the process of forming elementary mathematical representations «Reche-matika»
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (3)- Authors:
- Larisa V. Varaksina, Natalia I. Chekunova, Larisa N. Kustikova, Olga M. Pozolotina
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- In the article the authors reflect the main theses of the author's program aimed at enriching the active vocabulary, developing coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech in older preschool children with disabilities in the process of forming ideas about the shape, size, rhythm, amount, number, parts and whole, space and time. This work makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental process in compensatory oriented groups of children with a general underdevelopment of speech.
- Keywords:
- speech correction, elementary mathematical concepts, correctional and developmental program, calendar and thematic plan
Teaching the Russian literature in the Russian as foreign system as factor of integration of foreign students into the Russian sociocultural space
ProceedingОпыт создания и реализации технологических инноваций в образовании- Authors:
- Kristina V. Khabarova, Oksana V. Seniukova, Natalia V. Bolshakova
- Work direction:
- Инновации в дополнительном образовании
- Abstract:
- The authors of the article consider teaching of the Russian literature on the preparatory faculty as the factor of integration of the foreign students to the Russian sociocultural space.
- Keywords:
- artistic text, literary concepts, Russian writers, cultural space