List of publications on a keyword: «подсудимые»
Cinemalogy as a Method of Work of an Educational Psychologist with Minors Recognized in the Case and in Accordance with the Procedure Provided for by the Criminal Procedure Legislation as Suspects, Accused, Defendants
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 2- Author:
- Svetlana G. Krasnova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the use of the method of cinemalogy in the work of an educational psychologist with minor suspects, accused persons, defendants, recognized, in the case and under the terms set out in the criminal procedure legislation and the specifics of its application. The purpose of the study is to determine the possibilities and psychological and pedagogical conditions for using the method of cinemalogy in psychocorrection work with underage suspects, accused persons, and defendants. The following research methods were used in the article: analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature, normative legal documents, study of the resources of educational Internet portals. As a result of the study, an effective method of working with underage suspects, accused persons, and defendants was identified, and the factors of the formation of criminal behavior of underage children (heredity, social environment, and intrapersonal factors) were clarified. Based on the study of the psychological characteristics of underage suspects, accused persons, and defendants, the reasons for the commission of illegal actions (the desire for self-affirmation, to gain authority among peers, imitation of authority, the desire to obtain the forbidden, forbidden) are determined. The article offers methodological recommendations for organizing training sessions with underage suspects, accused persons, and defendants. It is concluded that an important condition for the psychocorrection of these categories of minors is the work with psychoemotional states, situations that have a psychotraumatic effect on them, the correction of their thoughts and behavior. In our opinion, it is the method of cinemalogy that contributes to solving these problems, as well as changing criminal attitudes.
- Keywords:
- method, film, minors, psychocorrection, cinemalogy, suspects, accused, defendants, psychological analysis, self-analysis