List of publications on a keyword: «SWOT-analysis»
Otsenka potentsiala turistskogo kompleksa regiona kak instrument diagnostiki effektivnosti upravleniia biznes-protsessami i informatsionnymi tekhnologiiami
Book ChapterStrategies of Sustainable Development: External-economic, Law and Social Aspects- Authors:
- Olga K. Lukhovskaia, Svetlana V. Beliaeva, Tat'iana S. Kochetkova, Viacheslav K. Plisov
- Work direction:
- Глава 11
- Abstract:
- The research is based on the methodology of assessing the potential of the tourist complex of the region. The application of the methodology made it possible to conduct a qualitative expert assessment of the reproduction of the tourist resources of the region on the example of the Ivanovo region, a single destination. SWOT analysis was chosen as the main method, which made it possible to conduct a comprehensive strategic analysis of the industry and its external environment. The assessment of the potential of the tourist complex is aimed at identifying the most promising tourist destinations in the region and the formation of information resources in tourism.
- Keywords:
- market, region, SWOT-analysis, resources, tourism potential, complex, destination, factor analysis, information resources in the tourism industry
Otsenka vliianiia faktorov vneshnei sredy na torgovuiu organizatsiiu
Book ChapterManagement Problems in Socio-Economic Systems: Theory, Methodology, Practice- Author:
- Olga V. Mishulina
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Проблемы управления конкурентоспособностью организации в современных условиях
- Abstract:
- The study presents an analysis of the external environment of a trading enterprise based on modern methods for assessing its strategic capabilities. The concept and features of the external environment of commercial organizations are analyzed; PEST analysis of the confectionery industry, analysis of the environmental profile of the indirect impact on the trading company using expert judgment; identified opportunities and threats using the method of positioning; The degree of intensity of competition based on the five factor model of Porter is determined. The result of the study is the development of possible directions for the development of a trading enterprise in the future using the SWOT method – analysis and establishing relationships in assessing the impact of the organizational environment on a trading company using the «cross-impact analysis» method, which made it possible to formulate four sets of possible strategic alternatives.
- Keywords:
- strategy, trading company, external environment of direct impact, external environment of indirect impact, PEST-analysis, SWOT-analysis