List of publications on a keyword: «parents»
Methods to Form the Pedagogical Culture of Parents in the Educational System of the School
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (10)- Authors:
- Galina V. Sorokoumova, Anastasiia O. Bespalova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the concept of pedagogical culture of parents, the goals of development of pedagogical culture of parents and methods of formation and improvement of the level of pedagogical culture of parents. The paper focuses on the tasks of interaction between an educational institution and the family in the upbringing of children. Methods of study. To study the possibility of forming a pedagogical culture of parents, we used a questionnaire to survey the needs of parents to interact with the educational institution and the interest of teachers in working with the family, the «Ideas about the ideal parent» method by R. V. Ovcharova, Y.A. Degtyareva, «Family Biofield» inquirer by V. V. Boyko and «Determination of parenting skills» questionnaire by O.L. Zvereva. Results of the study. The article shows the results of the impact of the program, which includes a seminar using the case technology «pedagogical culture of parents» and parent training based on the program «education based on common sense» on the formation of the pedagogical culture of parents. Conclusion. The results of the study proved the possibility of purposeful formation of the pedagogical culture of parents in the educational system of the school and the high efficiency of practice – and personality-oriented methods of such work, and also showed greater competence and awareness among parents and kindergarten teachers in the education of children.
- Keywords:
- family, pedagogical culture of parents, family and school interaction, a workshop, methods of formation of parental pedagogical culture
Features of the Interaction Arrangements Between a Physical Education Teacher and Pupils’ Parents
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Author:
- Olga B. Seregina
- Work direction:
- Взаимодействие урочной и внеурочной работы, основного и дополнительного образования как основа эффективной работы с одаренными детьми и молодежью
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the issue on the interaction between physical education teachers, coaches and pupils’ parents engaged in physical culture and sports. The effectiveness of implementing Federal state educational standards largely depends on the active interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process. The success of physical culture and sports activities of children and adolescents is determined not only by the conditions of the educational and training process, but also by external organizing factors. The article focuses on the most significant areas of activity of physical education teachers the interaction arrangements with parents.
- Keywords:
- parents, physical education teacher, coach, external organizing factors
Influence of Family Upbringing and Status of Adolescents in The Group of Their Coevals on Their Aggressiveness
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (6)- Author:
- Anatoly N. Arinin
- Work direction:
- Sociology and education statistics
- Abstract:
- The study is aimed at studying the impact of family upbringing and the status of adolescents in the group of their coevals on their aggressiveness. Methods. The hypothesis of the study was the assumption that the development of aggression in adolescents is significantly influenced by such factors as the status of the teenager in his coeval group and the type of family upbringing. The empirical part of the study included three stages: preparatory, diagnostic, analysis and interpretation of the data. These stages of the study are aimed at determining the level of adolescents’ aggression, identifying violations in family upbringing and determining the status of adolescents in the coeval group. The results of the study. As a result, 82.1% (23 parents) experienced violations in family upbringing, destructive and mixed types of family interaction can be observed. Children of these parents are characterized by high and medium levels of aggressiveness. Also, the highest level of aggressiveness is observed in adolescents with sociometric statuses as «Stars», «Rejected» and «Disowned». The analysis of the correlation analysis results showed a high correlation between the manifestation of aggression in adolescents and such types of violations in family upbringing as excessive sanctions, underdevelopment of parental feelings and bringing conflict into the sphere of upbringing. Also, the analysis of the results showed the presence of a high relationship between the manifestation of aggression in adolescents and such status groups as «Stars» and «Preferred». Discussion. As a result, the assumption that there is a relationship between the type of family upbringing, sociometric status in the group of their coevals and aggression of adolescents was confirmed. It can be said that the style of family upbringing of adolescents and sociometric status in a group of coevals creates a number of prerequisites for the manifestation, development and consolidation of aggressiveness as a personality trait.
- Keywords:
- aggression, aggressiveness, aggressive behavior, adolescents, parents, type of family upbringing, sociometric status
The research of relationships between parents and their children being the dominating factor of influencing the child’s sanity
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (4)- Author:
- Svetlana G. Krasnova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the questions of figuring out the connection between relationship of parents and their children and mental health. It also points out the age diffencies of displaying mental states among preschoolers, based on positive and negatice personal relationships in their families. The psychosocial training is suggested for the sake of forming balanced relationships between parents and children.
- Keywords:
- relationships between parents and children, mental state, types of relationships, psychosocial training
Shkola kak fokus pozitivnykh peremen v obshchestve. Proekt "Dar: vybor zhiznennogo puti"
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Nina E. Salnikova
- Work direction:
- Использование нестандартных решений для повышения качества, доступности и эффективности образования
- Abstract:
- For four years, created the project of reorientation of all participants of educational process to peaceful dialogue, cooperation and co-creation, self-improvement.
- Keywords:
- project, gift, unity, co-creation, choice, life path, career guidance, a unifying project, - improvement, professionalism, reorientation programme for parents, higher feelings, modules, prevention of emotional burnout, stress resistant