Application of Digital Technologies in Preschool Education. Storytelling Technology for Learning English

Research Article
EDN: JMDGUX DOI: 10.31483/r-86189
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education»
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Published in:
International academic journal «Development of education»
Inga V. Dziuina 1
Work direction:
Theoretical and Applied Education Research
Received: 20 August 2020

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For citation:
Dziuina I. V. (2020). Application of Digital Technologies in Preschool Education. Storytelling Technology for Learning English. Development of education, 45-48. EDN: JMDGUX.
UDC 37.013


The article examines the modern capabilities of using digital technologies in the preschool education system. The use of these digital technologies under present-day conditions is simply necessary due to the fact that preschoolers today represent a new generation, for which the use of various gadgets and applications is an everyday routine. It is outlined that the use of digital technologies in the education system and the provision of diversity in teaching methods, changing activities and the development of children’s desire to master virtual tools and teaching methods contributes to increasing children’s interest in the learning process and develops their motivation in educational activities. The article focuses on the relevance of the use of digital storytelling technology in the study of English by preschoolers. The author of the article comes to the conclusion about the effectiveness of this technology, talks about the stages of preparation for the successful implementation and use of storytelling technology in English lessons, and also offers resources that will help teachers to implement the technology in the educational process. The author shows the advantages of using digital storytelling technology, makes recommendations on its combination with other educational technologies in order to ensure the diversity in pedagogical approaches being used as well as to improve the learning of material and maintain the constant cognitive interest of preschoolers in the English language.


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