Application of Game Learning Situations in Development of Communication Skills in Preschoolers with Visual Impairment

Research Article
EDN: MPGBMS DOI: 10.31483/r-63818
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education»
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International academic journal «Development of education»
Irina V. Norina 1 , Klavdiya I. Sultanbaeva 1
Work direction:
Received: 20 November 2019

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1 Khakassian State University named after N.F. Katanov
For citation:
Norina I. V., & Sultanbaeva K. I. (2019). Application of Game Learning Situations in Development of Communication Skills in Preschoolers with Visual Impairment. Development of education, 97-101. EDN: MPGBMS.
UDC 376.352


The article presents a study of application of game learning situations in the development of communication skills in preschoolers with visual impairment. The technique of applying game learning situations in work with preschoolers is outlined in the article. The purpose of the article is to consider the influence of game learning situations on over-fives in the educational process. Methods. The study was conducted from December 2018 to May 2019 on the basis of MBPEI «Kindergarten of combined type «Zhuravlik» of city Abakan. The following methods were applied: observation, conversation with teachers, the method «Study of communicative skills» (author-compiler is V. Bogomolov), pedagogical experiment with the inclusion of game learning situations. Result. The comparative characteristic of results of ascertain and control research stages of communicative skills development level in over-fives is presented. During the work with children and observation of their behavior in various activities, it was noticed that many children use positive behavior scenarios, have become more respectful to each other and adults, the frequency of conflicts in the group has become noticeably less. Children have become more sociable, get in touch with others easier, use various techniques to get out of conflict situations. It is concluded that application of learning situations for the communication skills development in over-fives with visual impairments led to positive results.


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