System of preparation of students of pedagogical higher education institution to the execution of programs of children’s additional education

Research Article
EDN: WDDVHJ DOI: 10.31483/r-32744
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education»
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Published in:
International academic journal «Development of education»
Viktoriia Z. Techieva 1
Work direction:
Theoretical and applied education research
Received: 6 May 2019

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1 SBEI of HE "North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute"
For citation:
Techieva V. Z. (2019). System of preparation of students of pedagogical higher education institution to the execution of programs of children’s additional education. Development of education, 52-55. EDN: WDDVHJ.
UDC 37


In this article the author speaks about the ways of modernization of current educational system. The desire of society to develop the system of additional education of children due to new requirements for the level of education of a person, which is determined not so much by the formation of special knowledge of the individual, as its versatile development. In this regard, measures are increasing to change the situation in additional education of children, the decision of which is entrusted to the system of pedagogical education. In this regard, measures are increasing to change the situation in additional education of children, the decision of which is entrusted to the system of pedagogical education. However, the difficulties in their implementation are due to the contradiction between the needs of society in the teaching staff, able to creatively solve professional problems in the field of additional education of children, and the unwillingness of graduates of pedagogical universities to work in the specific conditions of this sphere. Step-by-step development and formation of professionally significant qualities of the personality corresponding to the specific purposes and tasks of activity in system of additional education of children is the solution of this contradiction.


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