On the topic of choosing the bpmn modeling tool for learning process realization

Research Article
EDN: HVNSPY DOI: 10.31483/r-32548
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education»
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International academic journal «Development of education»
Natalya V. Bogoslovskaya 1 , Aleksandr V. Brzhezovskiy 1
Work direction:
Received: 18 April 2019

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1 FSAEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation"
For citation:
Bogoslovskaya N. V., & Brzhezovskiy A. V. (2019). On the topic of choosing the bpmn modeling tool for learning process realization. Development of education, 75-83. EDN: HVNSPY. https://doi.org/10.31483/r-32548
UDC 37


The article discusses the question of choosing software tools for the development of business-models in BPMN relevant notation modeling during realization of learning process of higher education institution. The problem is investigated with consideration of professional standards requirements 06 «Connection, information and communication technologies» for 09.03.02 «Information systems and technologies» training field.


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  2. 2. Object Management Group Business Process Model and Notation. Retrieved from http://www.bpmn.org/
  3. 3. NIouttgens, M.: An Evaluation Framework for Business Process Modelling Tools. Retrieved from http://www.cimosa.de/IctSuppo-rt/ToolSt-mn02.html
  4. 4. Fiodorov, I. G. (2013). Modelirovanie biznes-protsessov v notatsii BPMN2.0: Monografiia. M.: MESI.
  5. 5. BizAgi. Retrieved from http://www.bizagi.com/
  6. 6. ELMA. Retrieved from https://www.elma-bpm.ru/
  7. 7. PowerDesigner. Retrieved from https://www.sy-base.ru/products/powerdesigner
  8. 8. DiaGen. Retrieved from http://www2.cs.uni-bw.de/tools/DiaGen


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