Methodological approaches to the implementation of the content of the discipline “Physical culture and sport”

Review Article
EDN: SYFKXU DOI: 10.31483/r-105739
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 6
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Published in:
International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 6
Viktor P. Chernyshev 1
Work direction:
Pedagogy and Modern Education
Received: 1 March 2023 / Accepted: 29 March 2023 / Published: 29 March 2023

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1 Pacific National University
For citation:
Chernyshev V. P. (2023). Methodological approaches to the implementation of the content of the discipline “Physical culture and sport”. Development of education, 6(1), 42-45. EDN: SYFKXU.
UDC 37.037


The article theoretically substantiates various methodological approaches to the implementation of the content of the academic discipline “Physical Culture and Sports” in the education system. It is noted that the bias in favor of collectivist forms of realization of the subject leads to the loss of the essential potential of the physical culture of the individual. The bias in favor of an individualistic approach impoverishes the essence of the subject in its educational aspect. It is shown that only a rationally balanced combination and taking into account the peculiarities of the discipline contributes to the creation of a special kind of space, where through dialogue young people realize their belonging both to the homo species and to the social matrix accepted by this community. The socialization of an individual through the conscious mastery of his physical self allows him to build a trajectory of personal development, using the natural potential to the fullest. The choice of forms of organization of the educational process depends on the understanding by the teaching staff of the multidimensionality of the discipline and its creative potential. The formation of an understanding of this kind is a necessary condition for the qualitative functioning of physical culture and sports in general. Modern conditions dictate the need to create a flexible model of physical education, accommodating both traditional approaches and the ability to quickly respond to real challenges of the external environment and take into account mental changes in the personality of students.


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