Diagnosis of Voice Disorders Among University Teachers: Hygiene, Prevention and Recovery

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-99625
Open Access
Monograph «Pedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society»
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Monograph «Pedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society»
Elena A. Larina 1 , Evgeniia Patiupina 2
Work direction:
Глава 5
Received: 17 October 2021

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1 FGBOU VO "Blagoveshchenskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii universitet"
2 Private speech therapy center
For citation:
Mychko E. I., Zenkova D. M., Grigorets F. I., Shutova E. G., Ignateva G. A., Sdobniakov V. V., Sotkina S. A., Tulupova O. V., Larina E. A., Patiupina E., Ambartsumian N. A., Kostenko E. G., Tolstykh O. S., Sokolov V. L., Kostenko A. P., Matasova I. I., Voloskov I. V., Vallis I., & Serebrennikova A. V. (2021). Pedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society, 176. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda". https://doi.org/10.31483/a-10314


Voice is a unique means of communication and socialization of a person, the formation of a vast human multicultural space. It is used in a wide variety of professions and is a function with an interdisciplinary affiliation, therefore hygiene, health preservation, and voice restoration have a systemic convergent (interdisciplinary) nature. This problem is dealt with by specialists of pedagogical and medical profiles (speech therapists, phonopedists, phoniatrists, otolaryngologists). Higher school teachers have excessive voice and psychoemotional stress, recently complicated by distance learning. In the course of their work, they must meet the requirements for their voice quality in the process of performing teaching. The object of the research is the state of vocal abilities among teachers of higher education. Subject – generalization of methods of voice restoration among teachers of higher education, actualization of the importance of preventive and hygienic work to prevent professional voice disorders. The working hypothesis of the study consists of the assumption that timely diagnosis and systematic use of selected speech therapy and phonopedic measures will optimize the process of restoring laryngeal functions among university teachers. This paper describes an empirical study of the characteristics of the voice in high school teachers (Pacific State University), identifies the main factors affecting voice health and the causes of their occurrence. Based on the analysis of the survey data obtained from the survey and previously conducted theoretical and practical research, materials (brochures) and videos (master classes) on hygiene and prevention of voice disorders were prepared for university teachers. The scientific contribution of the research consists in obtaining empirical results in the designated problem field, combining speech therapy and phonopedic scientific and methodological materials for practical use by persons with voice-speech professions. The direction of future research will be to expand the group of respondents (teachers, educators, students) for diagnostic measurements and subsequent comparative analysis of the data obtained.


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