The model of forming a positive image of the "I" of a preschooler as a condition for his successful socialization

DOI: 10.31483/r-98516
Open Access
All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Preschool Education in Terms of Contemporary Methodological Approaches and Age-Related Values of Children»
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Published in:
All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Preschool Education in Terms of Contemporary Methodological Approaches and Age-Related Values of Children»
Elena V. Ganyushina 1 , Kseniya S. Shalaginova 2
Work direction:
Problems of psychological safety of the environment in the system of special and inclusive education
Received: 5 May 2021

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1 MPEI “Education Center №10”
2 Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy
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Abstract: the article discusses and develops a model for the formation of a positive image of the" I " in preschool children. The main purpose of the study of this problem is to find and build a system of specially organized conditions that promote the development of personal culture, as well as to develop a strategy for educating the younger generation. The proposed program for the development of the child's personality will be based on a systematic approach, focused on personality and activity, including various means and methods of educational work through play, will positively affect the image of the preschooler.


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  2. 2. Божович Л.И. Проблемы формирования личности в детском возрасте / Л.И. Божович. – М.: МПСИ, 2014. – 349 с.
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