Criteria of Curriculum Digestion Efficiency in Online Education Environment

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-98391
Open Access
Monograph «Psychological and Pedagogical Issues of Modern Education»
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Monograph «Psychological and Pedagogical Issues of Modern Education»
Elena V. Shchedrina 1
Work direction:
Chatper 10
Received: 21 April 2021

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1 FSBEI of HE “Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University”
For citation:
Antonovskaia O. G., Besklubnaia A. V., Vasileva I. S., Shvaikina N. S., Volkova N. S., Zaporotskaia O. A., Lukhmanova E. E., Kharlamova T. A., Korobov V. B., Tutygin A. G., Kuznetsova V. E., Ivanova M. E., Starkova E. N., Platonova N. M., Platonova I. I., Rakhmankulova S. E., Kuzmin R. A., Sudakov D. V., Sudakov O. V., Shevtsov A. N., Belov E. V., Sviridova V. V., Trifonova T. M., & Shchedrina E. V. (2021). Psychological and Pedagogical Issues of Modern Education, 172. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


The paper considers the methodology of individualization of training based on adaptive testing of network electronic educational and methodological complexes in two closely interrelated levels – the methodology of designing, developing adaptive tools and the methodology of their application in teaching university students. The design of an adaptive network electronic educational and methodological complex – a universal educational resource that is able to support the learning process at all its stages-contains three consecutive stages (levels) – didactic, logical and physical, each of which has a content component of the developer's activity that determines the requirements for the structure and content of the created course. The methodological approaches to the use of an adaptive network course in the educational process are different for teachers and students. As criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of learning content assimilation in the information and communication educational environment of the university, the following are defined: transient process time response, which a student spends for learning of fixed stream of input information until prepared for the testing (E.A. Solodova's adaptive learning mathematical model); the level of assimilation of the information received, defined in tests and evaluated in a 100-point scale (as the condition of completeness of the educational process, according to V.P. Bespalko).


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