Organization of Recreation and Health Improvement of Children in the Russian Federation: Organizational and Legal Aspects

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-98301
Open Access
Monograph «Pedagogy and Psychology as the Sciences of Forming the Potential of Modern Society»
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Published in:
Monograph «Pedagogy and Psychology as the Sciences of Forming the Potential of Modern Society»
Svetlana V. Kovalenko 1 , Liudmila A. Sazonova 2 , Olga V. Eremeeva 3
Work direction:
Глава I. Педагогические аспекты обучения и воспитания
Received: 10 April 2021

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Published in:
1 Far Eastern Federal University
2 Vladivostokskii gosudarstvennyi universitet
3 Shkola pedagogiki (Tsentr nepreryvnogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniia) FGAOU VO "Dal'nevostochnyi federal'nyi universitet"
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