Organization of Collaborative Work Between Teacher-Speech-Language Pathologist and Parents of Junior Students with Intellectual Disability

VI International Research-to-practice conference «Socio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support»
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Published in:
VI International Research-to-practice conference «Socio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support»
Olga A. Koloskova 1
Scientific adviser:
Svetlana G. Leshchenko1
Work direction:
Особенности сопровождения и поддержки семей, имеющих детей с отклонениями в здоровье, развитии и поведении
Received: 6 November 2020

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1 Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy
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The article contains methodological recommendations for speech-language pathologist on organization of work with parents of junior students with intellectual disability. Given recommendations will help to inform the parents about the characteristics of the child's speech development, will connect and unite the speech-language pathologist and the parent which will significantly improve the quality and will accelerate the result of logopedic remedial help.


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  2. 2. Davidovich, L. (2015). Logopediia: semeinoe vospitanie detei s narusheniiami v razvitii. Zdorov'e doshkol'nika, 10, 42-66.
  3. 3. Petrova, V. G. (1965). Rech' umstvenno otstalykh shkol'nikov. Osobennosti umstvennogo razvitiia uchashchikhsia vspomogatel'noi shkoly, 129-216. M.


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