Problems of professional training of future teachers in the context of digitalization of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan

All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference «Digitalization of education: challenges of our time»
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All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference «Digitalization of education: challenges of our time»
Kulira Khalikova 1 , Kabyl Khalykov 2
Work direction:
Формирование понимания значимости развития цифровых навыков и цифровых образовательных технологий
Received: 5 November 2020

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Published in:
1 Kazakhskii natsional'nyi pedagogicheskii universitet im. Abaia
2 Kazakhskaia natsional'naia akademiia iskusstv im. T.K. Zhurgenova
For citation:
Khalikova K., & Khalykov K. (2020). Problems of professional training of future teachers in the context of digitalization of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Digitalization of education: challenges of our time, 82-86. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


The problems of professional training of future teachers are considered in the article. The relevance of this study in the regulatory documents adopted in the Republic of Kazakhstan is analyzed. The problems of vocational training in the context of digitalization of education, the goals of the updated content of education and the role of the teacher in the context of digitalization of education are presented. And also the purpose and objectives of the discipline «Information technology in education», which are studied in all pedagogical specialties are given.


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