The Young Teacher Preparing to Work With Gifted Children in the Continuing Education System

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-75668
Open Access
Monograph «Education and science: current trends»
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Monograph «Education and science: current trends»
Fidaliya D. Khalikova 1
Work direction:
Глава 1. Теоретические аспекты образования
Received: 22 May 2020

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1 Kazan Federal University
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The article is devoted to the preparation of young teachers to work with gifted children in the system of continuing education. The author outlines that activity of a young teacher with gifted children is a very responsible job that constantly requires the teacher to master professional skills, develop personal qualities, flexibility, emotional stability, and the ability to create individual and personalized programs designed for all types of pupils, including gifted children. The author comes to the conclusion that preparation of young teachers to work with smart and gifted children should be focused on improve their theoretical knowledge on the specifics of a gifted child’s psychology , as well as on the formation of professionally important qualities necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process, which contributes to the improvement of skills, increase the general and psychological and pedagogical culture of a young teacher for the development of professional competence and ownership of the professional component in the system of continuing education.


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