Teacher and Pupil as Learners in the Work System With Gifted Youth

All-Russian research-to-practice conference with international participation «Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions»
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All-Russian research-to-practice conference with international participation «Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions»
Fidaliya D. Khalikova 1
Work direction:
Подготовка учителей, педагогов-психологов и вожатых к работе с одаренными детьми
Received: 8 April 2020

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1 articles
1 Kazan Federal University
For citation:
Khalikova F. D. (2020). Teacher and Pupil as Learners in the Work System With Gifted Youth. Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions, 260-263. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


The article is devoted to the problem of training personnel for work with gifted children. The subject teacher needs to identify such children, reveal their creative and intellectual potential. Researches show that children with spacious mind need such a teacher, who will be able to develop their intellectual abilities not by increasing the number of tasks to be solved, but by applying modern approaches to teaching gifted students. To work with gifted children, the teacher must have the following personal characteristics: a predisposition to creative activity; the ability to quickly adjust the individual work plan depending on the pupils’ capabilities; the ability to identify and predict giftedness. Teaching gifted children, the teacher will also learn, improve, and develop himself by constantly participating in competitions and grants, speaking at seminars and conferences, publishing articles in journals, and spreading his experience.


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  2. 2. Artiushina, N. K. (2003). Lichnostnye i professional'nye kachestva uchitelia, rabotaiushchego s odarennymi uchashchimisia. Problemy psikhologo-pedagogicheskogo soprovozhdeniia subektov obrazovatel'nogo protsessa. M.
  3. 3. Gridneva, E. P. (2007). Chem odarit' odarennogo rebenka. Khimiia v shkole, 4, 2-3.
  4. 4. Rabota s odarionnymi det'mi. Khosting videoprezentatsii. Retrieved from http://PPt4web.ru
  5. 5. Khalikova, F. D. (2018). Kontseptsiia praktiko-orientirovannogo obucheniia khimii odarennykh detei v sisteme nepreryvnogo khimicheskogo obrazovaniia. Kazanskii pedagogicheskii zhurnal, 1, 18-21.
  6. 6. Khalikova, F. D. (2018). O sposobakh formirovaniia osoznannoi motivatsii k izucheniiu khimii. Khimiia v shkole, 9, 22-24.


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