Ethno-Tourism as a Perspective Form of Preserving Ethnic Culture

Research Article
EDN: NNACIN DOI: 10.31483/r-75044
Open Access
International academic journal «Ethnic Culture»
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Published in:
International academic journal «Ethnic Culture»
Irina V. Kedrova 1
Work direction:
Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
Received: 16 March 2020

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doaj РИНЦ
1 Don State Technical University
For citation:
Kedrova I. V. (2020). Ethno-Tourism as a Perspective Form of Preserving Ethnic Culture. Ethnic Culture, 10-13. EDN: NNACIN.
UDC 379.85


The author outlines that in order to maintain interest in ethnic culture during the digitalization of personal space for people interested in the ethnos of their and other regions, it is necessary to constantly expand the options for ethnographic tourism excursion programs, enrich them with exclusive topics that are in demand by wide target groups, as well as complement traditional, sometimes conservative, tourist routes with new display facilities and new excursion technologies. The purpose of the article is to determine the prospects of using different types of ethnic culture in various formats of a tourist product (tour, excursion) to increase the interest of citizens in Russian history against the background of cases of its distortion and free interpretations that became more frequent nowadays. Methods. The author analyzed some types of ethnographic tourism services in the Rostov Region, which contribute to maintaining interest in the ethnic culture of the region. Conclusions. The author concludes and presents a look at the future of preserving ethnic culture in the complex of tourist and excursion offers. It is shown that this requires analysis and transformation of traditional tourist and excursion routes and programs, as well as active interaction not only with modern people, but also with organizations representing and promoting ethnic culture and, accordingly, with related enterprises supporting them in this. It is concluded that the academic methods and tools for preserving ethnic culture, of course, remain, but not only they already determine the future of this process.


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