Poniatie traditsii i obychaev

Book Chapter
Monograph «Culture. Science. Education»
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Monograph «Culture. Science. Education»
Vasilii B. Malinin 1 , Konstantin Z. Trapaidze 2
Work direction:
Глава 1. Культура
Received: 23 December 2019

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Published in:
1 Krymskii filial FGBOU VO "Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi universitet pravosudiia"
2 Moscow State Institute of International Relations
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The article is devoted to such regulatory and socio-cultural phenomena as traditions and customs. The authors present the concepts of ordinary traditions and customs, their content, similar characteristics and differences between them. The authors pay special attention to the history of their origin and the impact they have on society. The authors also present a social assessment of traditions and customs. The authors come to the conclusion that despite the very obvious similarity of traditions and customs, they cannot be synonymous, since they represent two different concepts that reflect different conditions of life and activity.


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