The Concept of "Ethno-Cultural Design" in the System of Project Methodology of Interpretation of Socio-Political Reality

Research Article
EDN: HHHPCV DOI: 10.31483/r-64073
Open Access
International academic journal «Ethnic Culture»
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Published in:
International academic journal «Ethnic Culture»
Mikhail V. Gorbachev 1
Work direction:
Methodological Questions
Received: 17 December 2019

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doaj РИНЦ
1 Lomonosov Moscow State University
For citation:
Gorbachev M. V. (2019). The Concept of "Ethno-Cultural Design" in the System of Project Methodology of Interpretation of Socio-Political Reality. Ethnic Culture, 6-8. EDN: HHHPCV.
UDC 321.02


The Concept «design» is one of the most popular and demanded in modern social and humanitarian Sciences. It is used to explain the controlled processes in the economic, political, social and spiritual spheres of public life. As a result, in each of the designated areas, their own types of design and project activities are formed, which have a unique specificity that requires detailed analysis. One of these types of design is ethnocultural design. The aim of the article is to interpret the concept of «ethno-cultural projection» as an organic part of the project theory of explaining social changes. The realization of this goal is possible by solving the following tasks. First, the classification of the main types of design, which are presented in the system of social and humanitarian knowledge. Secondly, the definition of the features and functionality of «ethno-cultural design». The methods of the article are based on the combination of the provisions of the civilizational theory with the principles of the project approach to the interpretation of socio-political reality. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that the concept of «ethno-cultural design» is an integral part of the project methodology of interpretation of modern socio-political reality. At the same time, being a part of modern project methodology, this concept acts as an independent ideological and instrumental construction. Thus, it is formed around its own industry features and characteristics. The article concludes that ethno-cultural design is able to claim the status of an independent direction within the project methodology. The achievement of such a position is possible through the formulation of its own conceptual and categorical apparatus, the conditions for the implementation of project work, the mechanisms of project activity.


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