On the formation of communicative competence of pedagogue-psychologist

- Published in:
- International Research-to-practice conference «Training and activities of an educational psychologist based on the requirements of a professional standard»
- Authors:
- Arna Z. Aplashova 1 , Uldar I. Autalipova 2 , Zhanat K. Bekova 3 , Madina K. Zhanzakova 1
- Work direction:
- Подготовка педагога-психолога с учетом требований профессионального стандарта «Педагог-психолог (психолог в сфере образования)»
- Pages:
- 16-20
- Received: 10 December 2017
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 3541
- Published in:
1 Pavlodarskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii institut
2 Kazakhskii gosudarstvennyi zhenskii pedagogicheskii universitet
3 NJC "L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University"
2 Kazakhskii gosudarstvennyi zhenskii pedagogicheskii universitet
3 NJC "L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University"
For citation:
Aplashova A. Z., Autalipova U. I., Bekova Z. K., & Zhanzakova M. K. (2017). On the formation of communicative competence of pedagogue-psychologist. Training and activities of an educational psychologist based on the requirements of a professional standard, 16-20. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".
This article investigates the problem of formation of communicative competence of the teacher-psychologists. We have carried out a theoretical analysis of academic, methodological and teaching literature on the formation of a teacher-psychologist communicative competence. A model of formation of communicative competence of teacher-psychologists have been elaborated and put into practice. The model of formation of communicative competence of teacher-psychologists is recommended for use when elaborating educational standards and programs in higher education.
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- 3. Light, J.C. (1997). Communication is the essence of human life: Reflections on communicative competence. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 13 (2), 61–70.
- 4. Savignon, S. (1976). Communicative competence: Theory and classroom practice. Central states conference on the teaching of foreign languages. University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign. Detroit. 23 April 1976. Keynote Address.