Filosofiia kak usilie mysli v situatsiiakh neopredelennosti

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-22213
Open Access
Monograph «Education and science: current trends»
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Monograph «Education and science: current trends»
Viacheslav M. Litvinskiy 1
Work direction:
Парадигмы современной науки
Received: 15 February 2019

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1 articles
1 Institut filosofii FGBOU VO "Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi universitet"


The monograph discusses philosophical education in connection with situations of uncertainty. Efforts to read the philosophical work allow to consider philosophy as a way of intellectual and psychological activity on reconstruction of the lost, or searching for a new meaning in situations of uncertainty, when the need to make a decision is connected with the fundamental inadequacy of the initial information. As a tool for adapting to situations of uncertainty, philosophy uses conceptual analysis, developing a person’s linguistic competence.


  1. 1. Вайсман Ф. Как я понимаю философию // Путь в философию. Антология. – М.: ПЕР СЭ; СПб.: Университетская книга, 2001. – С. 83–122.
  2. 2. Делез Ж. Что такое философия? / Ж. Делез, Ф. Гваттари. – СПб., 1998.
  3. 3. Литвинский В.М. На пороге новой антропологии // Лапланш Ж. Жизнь и смерть в психоанализе. – СПб.: Владимир Даль, 2011. – С. 5–56.
  4. 4. Набоков В. Лекции по зарубежной литературе. – СПб.: Азбука-Классика, 2010. – 512 с.


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