Karkasnyi podkhod v izuchenii prostranstvennoi struktury territorii

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-21597
Open Access
Коллективная монография «Education and science: current trends»
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Коллективная монография «Education and science: current trends»
Valentina P. Chibilyova 1 , Anton A. Chibiliov 2
Work direction:
Парадигмы современной науки
Received: 11 October 2018

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1 Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science
2 FGBUN Institut stepi UrO RAN
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The study of existent spatial structures and processes evoked by them is accompanied with the study of structure features of a territory where they function and develop. The framework approach applied in studying and constructing a spatial territory structure can be considered as a way of nature use management and as a strategy of territorial planning of a cultural landscape in an old cultured region, which let to support a balance between conservation and use of natural resources. Sustainable development of a territory depends on the knowledge sufficiency of natural, social and economical processes in the region.


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