Methods of teaching nanotechnology in engineering education: studying the synthesis of nanoscale complex carbides of the (TIC-WC) system by electric spark dispersion

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-126515
Open Access
Monograph «Modern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results»
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Monograph «Modern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results»
Ykvalkhan Z. Makambaeva 1 , Busara T. Murzaeva 1 , Abduraim S. Satyvaldiev 2
Work direction:
Глава 2
Received: 10 February 2025

Article accesses:
1 Oshskii tekhnologicheskii universitet
2 Kyrgyzskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. I. Arabaeva


In the chapter discusses the methodology of teaching nanotechnology in engineering education, taking into account modern scientific achievements in the field of materials science. Particular attention is paid to the synthesis of nanosized complex carbides of the TiC-WC system by spark dispersive coating and its integration into the educational process. Didactic principles, approaches to teaching and development of training modules based on experimental studies are described. The results of the analysis of the properties of the synthesized materials, as well as their use in educational laboratory work, are presented. The prospects for using scientific research to improve the quality of training engineers are considered.


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