Maria Montessori's psychological and pedagogical concept

Book Chapter
Monograph «Psychological and pedagogical issues of modern education»
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Monograph «Psychological and pedagogical issues of modern education»
Aleksandr I. Kugai 1
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Received: 9 February 2025

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1 Severo-Zapadnyi institut upravleniia FGBOU VO "Rossiiskaia akademiia narodnogo khoziaistva i gosudarstvennoi sluzhby pri Prezidente RF"
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The chapter reveals the main provisions of the psychological and pedagogical concept of the world-famous teacher Maria Montessori. The core of her method was feelings. Therefore, she criticized traditional educational practice for starting with ideas and intellect. «Often a scientist who has grasped an idea encounters great difficulties in doing the work we give him, because we have omitted from his education a factor of primary importance, namely, the cultivation of feelings." The mental development of a child occurs spontaneously. Education is not something that a teacher gives. It is a natural and spontaneous process carried out by the child himself. The essence of the Montessori method is what is now called innovative education – the creation of an environment in which children could learn and grow independently of adults, be free to do things on their own and learn at their own pace. In a Montessori classroom, the learning process is controlled not by the interpersonal relationship between a teacher and a child, but by didactic materials. Each element of this equipment was assessed on a pragmatic basis: does the child's competence grow from contact with the material. No tricks were used to attract the child's attention. The didactic materials were designed to be initially interesting and in such a way that the child could correct himself without the help of the teacher.


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