On the issue of professional deformation of personality of educational psychologists in the context of emotional burnout

DOI: 10.31483/r-116276
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International Scientific and Practical Conference «Sormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education»
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International Scientific and Practical Conference «Sormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education»
Elena N. Azletskaia 1 , Natalia V. Kniazeva 1
Work direction:
Психолого-педагогическая поддержка личности в экстремальных условиях и кризисных ситуациях жизнедеятельности
Received: 1 February 2025

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1 Kuban State University
For citation:
Azletskaia E. N., & Kniazeva N. V. (2025). On the issue of professional deformation of personality of educational psychologists in the context of emotional burnout. Sormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education, 331-334. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda". https://doi.org/10.31483/r-116276


The study presented in this article is devoted to the study of professional deformation of personality of educational psychologists, with an emphasis on emotional burnout syndrome (EBS). The methodological basis of the study is the diagnostics of the level of emotional burnout, carried out using a questionnaire developed by V.V. Boyko, which made it possible to classify respondents by stages of EBS development. The main conclusion of the study is that a significant part of educational psychologists experience varying degrees of EBS manifestation, especially at the stage of resistance, which requires the implementation of preventive measures and psychological support programs to improve the general emotional state of specialists.


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