Personal reflection of students of secondary vocational education

All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation «The Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences»
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All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation «The Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences»
Angelina B. Kuznetsova 1
Work direction:
Социальные процессы и образование
Received: 11 January 2025

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1 Chuvash State Pedagogical University
For citation:
Kuznetsova A. B. (2025). Personal reflection of students of secondary vocational education. The Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 49-52. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


The article presents the results of a study of the characteristics of personal reflection in students of institutions of secondary vocational education. The empirical base consisted of 80 students of Cheboksary Professional College named after N.V. Nikolsky, enrolled in 3-4 courses. The method of diagnosing the level of development of reflexivity (A.V. Karpov's questionnaire) and the method of self-attitude research (MIS) by V.V. Stolin and S.R. Panteleev were used for the study. As a result, differences in the level of personal reflection and their relationship to the components of self-attitude were revealed.


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  3. 3. Терещенко В.В. К вопросу о развитии личностной зрелости студентов вуза / В.В. Терещенко, А.Л. Хомяков // Мир педагогики и психологии. – 2022. – №3 (68). – С. 100–110. – EDN ZXLHPP.
  4. 4. Ульянова И.В. Методика профессионально-личностной рефлексии студентов – будущих педагогов в условиях образовательного процесса / И.В. Ульянова // Современные проблемы науки и образования. – 2022. – №1. – С. 22. – DOI 10.17513/spno.31449. – EDN VKHHCF.


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