Кибербезопасность в цифровом образовании: защита данных студентов и преподавателей

- Published in:
- All-Russian scientific and practical conference «Technopark of universal pedagogical competencies»
- Authors:
- Inna G. Iglinskaia 1 , Anastasiia V. Petrakova 1
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Pages:
- 88-90
- Received: 11 November 2024
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 413
- Published in:
1 Starooskol'skii filial FGAOU VO "Belgorodskii gosudarstvennyi natsional'nyi issledovatel'skii universitet"
For citation:
Iglinskaia I. G., & Petrakova A. V. (2024). Кибербезопасность в цифровом образовании: защита данных студентов и преподавателей. Technopark of universal pedagogical competencies, 88-90. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".
In the context of the rapid transition to digital learning formats, cybersecurity is becoming one of the key tasks for educational institutions. The article "Cybersecurity in digital Education: Protecting the data of students and teachers" examines the main threats faced by participants in the educational process, including leaks of personal information, cyber attacks and fraud. Special attention is paid to data protection methods such as encryption, multi-factor authentication and user training in the basics of cybersecurity. Legislative aspects and standards governing the protection of personal data in the educational environment are also discussed. In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of creating a culture of cybersecurity in educational institutions, which contributes not only to the protection of information, but also to increasing the trust of students and teachers in digital educational platforms.
Digital education, educational institutions, fraud, digital platforms, data protection, cybersecurity, personal information, data leaks, cyber attacks, encryption, multi-factor authentication, cybersecurity training, personal data, legislative aspects, security standards, cybersecurity culture, user trust, cyber threat risks.
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