Integratsiia tsifrovykh obrazovatel'nykh praktik v podgotovku pedagogov

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-114345
Open Access
Monograph «Questions of Education and Psychology»
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Monograph «Questions of Education and Psychology»
Svetlana M. Koniushenko 1 , Mariia O. Komissarova 2
Work direction:
Глава 1
Received: 9 November 2024

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1 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
2 Institute of Education FSAEI of HE “Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University”


The chapter presents the results of a study on the problem of integrating digital educational practices into teacher training. The study is conducted using secondary data. After studying a number of Russian and foreign studies, the conclusions of the chapter show that digital practices play a significant role in the formation of digital competencies of teachers, and also increase the effectiveness of training. In conclusion, ideas for further research on the role of digital educational practices in teacher training are proposed.


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