Rezul'taty pedagogicheskoi podderzhki professional'no-trudovoi sotsializatsii lichnosti v period obucheniia v obrazovatel'nykh organizatsiiakh
Book Chapter

- Published in:
- Monograph «Questions of Education and Psychology»
- Author:
- Alla G. Krasnopiorova 1
- Work direction:
- Глава 12
- Pages:
- 157-176
- Received: 31 October 2024
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 341
- Published in:
1 MAOU "SOSh 55"
DOI: 10.31483/r-114110
This topic is relevant, due to the consideration of the problems of professional socialization in the scientific pedagogical literature separately, in this study the author considers them integrated and in general.
Research problem: what are the essence and functions of pedagogical support for vocational and labour socialization of pupils of an educational organization on the example of students of a technical college, what are the content of the system of pedagogical support and the conditions for the effective organization of the provided pedagogical support?
Research methods: theoretical: literature analysis, data synthesis; empirical: conversation, testing.
The reliability of the research results is due to the choice of research methods and experimental base adequate to the tasks set, the careful development and justification of experimental designs, the representativeness of the experimental sample, the variety of collected experimental facts, and their number.
The experiment showed the high efficiency of applying the personal-situational approach in the educational process with the developed process of vocational and labour socialization of students. The results of the experiment allow us to conclude that it is advisable to organize this process in educational organizations.
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