Tekhnologii mediabezopasnosti: metody protivodeistviia feik-kontentu v tsifrovykh media

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-113839
Open Access
Monograph «Development of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects»
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Monograph «Development of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects»
Natalia G. Mironova 1
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Глава 14
Received: 17 October 2024

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1 Institute of History and Public Administration of FSBEI of HE “Bashkir State University”
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Digital technologies make it possible to automate the processes of disinformation and information warfare, launch fakes promptly and on a large scale, organize information interventions to shift public attention from one information agenda to another, to conduct information and psychological operations, and to have a certain impact on the consciousness and behavior of target groups. Fakes circulate not only in pop media and propaganda channels, but also penetrate into journalism, educational content, and scientific discourse, not only as a subject of scientific research, but also as a result of falsification; the phenomenon of fake journalism and journalism that ignores the high standards and principles of the profession has emerged. In the dense flow of rapidly updating information, attentive perception is difficult, it is difficult to distinguish between truth and falsification, and to obtain reliable information about events; Society is under unprecedented pressure from digital media disinformation, undermining trust in social institutions and social communication channels. These circumstances actualize the issues of improving the methodology and tools for verifying information and recognizing fake content in online media. The purpose of the study is to analyze the signs of fake media content and improve methods of countering disinformation in the media space. Results: the goals and motives of fake creators and distributors, signs and technologies of digital content falsification are investigated, approaches to combating fakes and falsification of information in online media are analyzed, the effectiveness of various technologies for detecting fake content and countering its influence is assessed. The concept of a comprehensive system for countering fakes in the digital space is outlined. One of the conclusions of the study is that countering the influence of fake online media content is not limited to technical and regulatory solutions, since the mechanisms of this influence are socio-psychological; cognitive sciences can provide a methodology for effectively countering deception and manipulation. The study is aimed at media security specialists.


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