Implementation of the Technology of the Creative Pedagogical Workshop in the Professional Training of School Theater Managers

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-112753
Open Access
Monograph «Modern educational technologies: Pedagogy and Psychology»
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Monograph «Modern educational technologies: Pedagogy and Psychology»
Elena M. Manasyrova 1
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Глава 12
Received: 18 August 2024

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1 Samara branch of the SAEI of HE of Moscow “Moscow City University”
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The chapter examines and analyzes the issues of professional competence and professional training of school theater managers. The chapter analyzes educational technologies used in the organization of professional training of teachers-directors in higher educational institutions of creative and pedagogical orientation. The educational technology of the creative pedagogical workshop is considered as a pedagogical system category. The structural components and stages of the development and implementation of educational technology are determined. The principles of professional activity of the master of the creative pedagogical workshop are outlined.


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