A General Model for the Formation of Information Competence of Military University Cadets in Advanced Professional Training

All-Russian scientific and practical conference «Technopark of universal pedagogical competencies»
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All-Russian scientific and practical conference «Technopark of universal pedagogical competencies»
Natalia A. Lamukhina 1
Work direction:
Содержание и технологии профессионального образования
Received: 16 May 2024

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1 Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School
For citation:
Lamukhina N. A. (2024). A General Model for the Formation of Information Competence of Military University Cadets in Advanced Professional Training. Technopark of universal pedagogical competencies, 157-160. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


The article presents the experience of forming a model of the pedagogical system of information competence of cadets of a military university in advanced professional training. The urgency of the problem is due to the need for a scientific search for the principles of organizing the professional training of a modern military specialist, converting training from experience-oriented to forecast-oriented, advanced. The essential components of the system are highlighted (principles of organization, conditions for professional and personal development and ways of their implementation), the interrelationships between these components that ensure the integrity and openness of the system.


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