Analysis of the development of the digital educational environment of the Russian Federation: equipping universities with digital equipment

V All-Russian Scientific «Digitalization in the education system: best practices and implementation practices»
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V All-Russian Scientific «Digitalization in the education system: best practices and implementation practices»
Marina V. Zhukova 1
Work direction:
Цифровые тренды и повышение качества профессионального образования
Received: 23 March 2024

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1 Rubtsovskii institut (filial) FGBOU VO "Altaiskii gosudarstvennyi universitet"
For citation:
Zhukova M. V. (2024). Analysis of the development of the digital educational environment of the Russian Federation: equipping universities with digital equipment. Digitalization in the education system: best practices and implementation practices, 209-213. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


One of the most important aspects of building a digital society and economy is ensuring the effectiveness of the education system in Russia. The article analyzes statistical data illustrating the features of the development of the digital educational environment, in particular, presents the results of an analysis of equipping universities in the Russian Federation with digital equipment.


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