Prisoner-of-war camps on the territory of the Vologda Oblast in the period from 1939 to 1956

Proceedings of the conference «University as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)»
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Proceedings of the conference «University as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)»
Natalia S. Smirnova 1 , Alina S. Zakharova 1
Work direction:
Военная экономика и социальная политика в годы Великой Отечественной войны
Received: 27 February 2024

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1 FGBOU VO "Vologodskii gosudarstvennyi universitet"
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