Teoreticheskie osnovy i institutsional'nye usloviia tekhnologicheskikh izmenenii pri razvitii vnutrennikh vodnykh putei Rossii

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-108078
Open Access
Monograph «Law and economic development: current issues»
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Monograph «Law and economic development: current issues»
Olesia A. Lykova 1 , Marina S. Siziakina 1
Work direction:
Глава 8
Received: 9 October 2023

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1 Don State Technical University
For citation:
Batievskaia V. B., Kelekhsaeva M. V., Sitokhova T. E., Minakov A. V., Kruglov V. N., Kiselev A. A., Borovkova V. A., Borovkova V. A., Zolotareva I. V., Airikh G. E., Kurov A. E., Lykova O. A., Siziakina M. S., Soldatova L. I., Shmidt I. I., Shaibakova L. F., Chechulina O. A., Belostotskaia A. A., Shchankina L. N., Garnaia ivanova I. A., Serebrennikova A. V., Burtseva E. V., & Medvedeva S. V. (2023). Law and economic development: current issues, 196. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda". https://doi.org/10.31483/a-10527


The study examines the issues of mutual influence of institutional changes and material and technological development of the water transport industry in terms of changes in the conditions of navigation on the inland waterways of Russia. In a historical retrospective, the development of ports is examined depending on the prevalence of certain technologies, a logical relationship is built between the main categories that determine the processes of change in the institutional structure of the economy. The factors influencing the process of transformation of the technological structure of the inland water transport industry in the Azov-Black Sea direction are considered.


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