Modified pedagogical technology of academic skills development in students of technical universities in the process of foreign language teaching

- Published in:
- International Research-to-practice conference «Pedagogical and sociological aspects of education»
- Author:
- Nataliia K. Dmitrieva 1
- Work direction:
- Модернизация содержания и технологий профессионального образования
- Pages:
- 41-45
- Received: 13 April 2018
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 4113
- Published in:
1 Institute of Foreign Languages at Petrozavodsk State University
For citation:
Dmitrieva N. K. (2018). Modified pedagogical technology of academic skills development in students of technical universities in the process of foreign language teaching. Pedagogical and sociological aspects of education, 41-45. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".
The article is concerned with the problem of academic writing skills’ development in postgraduate students of nonlinguistic technical universities in the process of professionally-oriented language teaching. Results of the research work conducted by the university graduates are traditionally presented in specialized scientific journals, which requirement is to provide every publication with the annotation written in English. As practice shows, most of the students experience various difficulties in writing annotations in English. We identified mistakes that are most frequently committed by undergraduate students and developed a modified teaching technology aimed at their elimination and development of academic writing skills. The elaborated modified teaching technology consists of 6 steps and is employed in the process of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching.
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