Ethnic archetypes in the first Sami novel “Alkhalalalai” by N. Bolshakova

Review Article
EDN: ZTWXOF DOI: 10.31483/r-107471
Open Access
International academic journal «Ethnic Culture». Volume 5
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International academic journal «Ethnic Culture». Volume 5
Andrey A. Emashev 1 , Viktoria B. Bakula 2
Work direction:
World languages and literature
Received: 11 July 2023 / Accepted: 8 August 2023 / Published: 28 August 2023

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1 Murmansk Technological College of Service
2 Murmansk Arctic State University
For citation:
Emashev A. A., & Bakula V. B. (2023). Ethnic archetypes in the first Sami novel “Alkhalalalai” by N. Bolshakova. Ethnic Culture, 5(3), 37-42. EDN: ZTWXOF.
UDC 82/31


The article is a continuation of the research on the mythopoetics of the first Sami novel “Alkhalalalai”, written by N. Bolshakova. The authors aim to identify ethnic archetypes that have found expression in the work. The material for the analysis was the novel and some of the ethical archetypes in it. The study is based on a theoretical analysis of research in the field of a number of humanities, in particular, anthropology and cultural studies, mythology and folklore, literary studies, and ethnography; synthesis of the obtained data, methods of mythopoetic and linguoculturological analyses, comparative typological method. As a result of the study, the authors were able to identify and characterize ethnic archetypes that reflect the values and experience of a particular ethnic group. In the Sami literature, the appeal to the archaic is clearly expressed, which is explained by the comparative youth of the existence of the Sami written culture. The age-old oral traditions that form the basis of modern Sami literature provide a message of the past and present in the culture of the northern people. The study of the mythopoetics of the novel by N. Bolshakova from the point of view of ethnic archetypes was carried out for the first time, which is the novelty of the work. The archetypism of the work of ethnic writers helps to build a model of the world of the indigenous people of the North, to determine the specifics of national literature.


The reported study was conducted within the independent research and development project №122061400030–3.


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