Linguistic representation of the concept “market” in attributive structures (based on the British publicistic text)

Review Article
EDN: LEEGIP DOI: 10.31483/r-105824
Open Access
International academic journal «Ethnic Culture». Volume 5
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Published in:
International academic journal «Ethnic Culture». Volume 5
Vera V. Koroleva 1 , Marina S. Rumyantseva 1
Work direction:
World languages and literature
Received: 22 March 2023 / Accepted: 2 May 2023 / Published: 25 May 2023

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doaj РИНЦ
1 Vladimir State University
For citation:
Koroleva V. V., & Rumyantseva M. S. (2023). Linguistic representation of the concept “market” in attributive structures (based on the British publicistic text). Ethnic Culture, 5(2), 43-47. EDN: LEEGIP.
UDC 811.111’367 + 811.111’37


The article reveals the notion of “attribute” and provides the characteristic features of the attributive syntactic structures of the analyzed concept “market”. The purpose of the study is to describe the structure and semantics of the following syntactic models: N + N, P + N, DJ + N, PT + N, NU + N, with the nuclear lexeme “market” in publicistic texts. The relevance of the work is due to the insufficiency of study of the concept we are examining at the syntactic level. The main focus is on the analysis of prepositional one- and two-component attributive structures, as well as the characteristics of the semantic relationships of the elements of the phrase. The material for the study was the articles from the magazine “The Economist” (2023). In the course of the work, the methods of conceptual, contextual, semantic and logical analysis were used. The results of the research showed that the syntactic structures of the substantive and adjective group are the most frequent in the studied texts. The connection of the lexemes within the selected contexts is conditioned on semantic relationships of performance, belonging or purpose. Consideration of attributive phrases makes it possible to expand the following slots of the concept under study: market mechanism, market structure and state of market by including lexemes defining the core lexical unit.


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