Начало глобального вызова России «мировому порядку» эпохи терминального кризиса капитализма в контекстах осознания и преодоления системного социального кризиса российского общества

All-Russian Scientific Conference «Socio-Economic Processes of Modern Society (for the 80th anniversary of Lev Panteleimonovich Kurakov)»
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All-Russian Scientific Conference «Socio-Economic Processes of Modern Society (for the 80th anniversary of Lev Panteleimonovich Kurakov)»
Gennadii I. Beliaev 1
Work direction:
Социальные процессы в контексте глобализации
Received: 16 February 2023

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Published in:
1 FGBNU "Institut strategii razvitiia obrazovaniia RAO"
For citation:
Beliaev G. I. (2023). Начало глобального вызова России «мировому порядку» эпохи терминального кризиса капитализма в контекстах осознания и преодоления системного социального кризиса российского общества. Socio-Economic Processes of Modern Society (for the 80th anniversary of Lev Panteleimonovich Kurakov), 227-232. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


The author appeals to the actual topic today, which is restoration of the historic memory and the culture of national dignity in the mass conscience of citizens of Russian Federation as well as the memory on the Historic/ Greater Russia in the scale of the USSR. That means the appeal to the to the problem of education of the truly patriotic consciousness and mentality on the genetics level of pride for our Fatherland and curator’s activities for its prosperity in order to overcome the imprinted antinational mythology in minds of several Russian generations, the social rent men thinking they belong to the consumerist society. Following the qualified analysis of modern geo-political background, condensed around Russian Federation and Historic Russia, the author develops the renewal of contents for the objectives of civil education of children, teenagers and youth, denoting the principles of political education social responsibility of adults about the events drastically changing epochs


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